Frank joins Helmet!!!! from

Just saw this on

Getting lot's of emails about rumours of Frank Bello and Anthrax seperating. Many of you know Frank is a close friend of mine for many years and has been on my show often, most recently a few weeks ago. The REAL story is this: it is likely that Frank's days as a member of Anthrax are over. There has been no official statement released, but it's safe to say that he is pretty much out of the band. There are many factors that led to this, and when Frank wants to speak about them publicly he will on my show. Right now there are several legal and contractual issues being resolved before anything is 100% official, but his days in the band are more or less over. Frank has been in the band 20 years, and I'm sure he will have some great plans and opportunities in the future, however reports that he has joined Helmet are NOT true! At this point he is not in a band, and when that changes, I'll let you know. Frank is a great friend and a great talent, and I know he will have success again in whatever he does. As for Anthrax, it is true that they will tour with Armoured Saint bassist Joey Vera for upcoming shows in Japan and Australia. At this point he is being billed as a temporary member. Of course I've known all the guys in Anthrax nearly 20 years and will continue to support them as well. Frank's final appearences with the band will be on the upcoming DVD and remake album. I'll keep you posted as more develops, but please be careful when reading unconfirmed reports on the web about anything from unofficial sources! Frank is not in Helmet. If anything changes, I will let you know.

This really sucks.
hairdu44 said:
Just saw this on

Getting lot's of emails about rumours of Frank Bello and Anthrax seperating. Many of you know Frank is a close friend of mine for many years and has been on my show often, most recently a few weeks ago. The REAL story is this: it is likely that Frank's days as a member of Anthrax are over. There has been no official statement released, but it's safe to say that he is pretty much out of the band.
:ill: :confused:

I am without speech.
man, that blows. I dig Frankie, he really gets the crowd going. This strikes me as odd...I mean, Frankie and Charlie are like brothers (well, uncle/nephew) ;)
So, can Joey Vera sing? (Safe Home, anyone?)
Ok, I'm in denial too. Frank is the best...I can't imagine what an Antrhax show would be like without him. Until announces it, I say it's B.S.
here we go again,i spose on the good side i have seen bello era anthrax lol,joey vera is a cool musician so i aint to cut about it.

lets just hope that anthrax isnt breaking up thats all i gotta say!!!
Yeah, c'mon were awesome when met you in Texas. Stay in Thrax if all this turns to be true. Either way, will still listen to what you put out. But, when's the official word? Let's see an official word of Frank's stayin.
I am another in denial until I hear it, mostly cuz I don't want to hear it. I loved watching Frank during the live shows. He brought so much energy to each show. If he does leave, it's gonna be really hard to see Anthrax without Frankie running around.
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. I'll be seeing them in Oz next month and I just cannot imagine anyone BUT Frankie opening up Got The Time and Caught In A Mosh etc. Not to mention the stage presence and vocal ability.

No disrespect to Joey Vera, but I want Frank still there.
Holy shit!
I leave town for a week and this happens!?!?
If I would've realized that it was I, Lordlindsey, who was the 'glue' for the band, I would've never left.
Apologies to all of my followers, I will never make this mistake again.

(Seriously, I hope it's some BS rumor)