Frankie's Son

If i was in a band, or a movie star, or just about anybody in the public eye. I would probably try to keep as much of my private life, as private as possible.

But thats just me.
Wow thats awesome. Now Scott needs a kid to complete the collection.
Congratulations Frank! I wonder if Brandon is into older women. I know a 2 year old that's available. Oh never mind. I'll wait until he is at least 5 and then I'll ask again.
Stormwatch said:
Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret and you've just let the cat out the bag.
Nice one. :Smug:

It was no secret...we were talking to Scott and Charlie yesterday and I brought it up because we all knew she was pregnant, it was no secret...I was shocked when they said May 16th...I know Mia's birth happened while Charlie was on tour so we all knew about it, but come on, this is Anthrax's site, the birth of one of their children should be announced! I'm not saying post tons of pictures of little Brandon (thought I would love to see one of Frankie and his wife with him) but that I understand if they want to be private about...but a birth should have been announced here!
You guys might think it is a joke but I really wanted to know when his baby was born...not a month later

Maybe Charlie is more outgoing, or gave you guys the pictures to post here, but as soon as his daughter was born we got all the information right away...Frankie didn't need to post the story of his son's birth like Charlie did, but I think you guys should have atleast acknowledged it out of respect...I dunno...maybe my thinking is just a girl thing :rolleyes: