Fredrik Nordström, anybody?

Nitronium Blood

Dec 28, 2001
Marchin' up and down the scqaiya.
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Would just like to know what the good folk on here think about Fredrik Nordström and his work as a producer/engineer. :)

I am mainly familiar with his 'In Flames' portfolio, but I am aware that he also is credited as 'Engineer' on Opeth's amazing 'Blackwater Park' and 'Produced' Dark Tranquillity's 'Damage Done'. Ooh, that 'Damage Done' sound... mmmm :worship:.

Andy and Fredrik should get married. :D
I used to be a big fan of Nordström's work, until I found out about Andy... ;-) Seriously, I think now his records are all squashed, it's getting louder and louder and losing all dynamics... I wouldn't say that his records sound all the same, since even Andy has his own style and we can recognize his sound among others, but still... I've never been a big fan of Fredrick's drum sound either, not powerfull at all, and over-trigged in my opinion (not all of them of course). I've noticed that he's declining at this time, and other producers like Daniel Bergstrand or Tue Madsen will soon take his place... I'm afraid i's a matter or fashion (remember Scott Burns for example...). But other than that he is great and I'd kill to be as good as he is ;-)
I would like to point out the amazingly crushing rhythm guitar sound of The Haunted - One Kill Wonder.
I LOVE Nordstrom's stuff! The older In Flames stuff is great, Damage Done is fantastic, and One Kill Wonder rules! My three favorite producers these days are(not in any order) Nordstrom, Bergstrand, and Sneap, with Kernon coming in a close 4th.
i just love his work i still can't believe that in flames and soilwork switched producers

i hate bergstrand's sound we recorded very clear guitar sounds now let's fuck em up what the hell man i don't get his sound

and i have to disagree on his drum sound i mean ever listened to dream evil's evilized
that drum sound rocks (i have to say i am drummer myself though)
Hmm.. I'm getting off-topic into this thread but could someone tell me bands that Bergstrand produced for reference?

As for Nordstrom he is as great as andy, but I do kind of like more the clear sounding of Andy's mixes.
I think it's bad practice to blaim producers/engineers for a mix sounding "squashed." Sometimes it's the mix engineer but if the whole thing sounds squahed you should complain about the mastering. (Also you should puch your friends in the face if they complain about a record being "quieter than other records.")

I think Nordstrom is phenominal......just listen to "Natural Born Chaos" or "Black Water Park" for that matter. Just look at his's rediculous.

I think Bergstran is great too. "Destroy Erase Improve" sounds fantastic and it was released a decade ago. I think he definitely has a signiture sound at this point but he's very good at what he does.
egan. said:
I think it's bad practice to blaim producers/engineers for a mix sounding "squashed." Sometimes it's the mix engineer but if the whole thing sounds squahed you should complain about the mastering. (Also you should puch your friends in the face if they complain about a record being "quieter than other records.")

Amen to that!
I hope that stupid loudness craze ends soon... :yuk:
egan. said:
I think it's bad practice to blaim producers/engineers for a mix sounding "squashed." Sometimes it's the mix engineer but if the whole thing sounds squahed you should complain about the mastering.

Yes you are right. But I just thought that since everything he does is squashed, it could come from him at some level :)

Reading my original post, one could think that I don't like Nordström at all, which is wrong, he is one of my fav producers too, but I just like Sneap better, and I'm getting more and more disappointed every time a band comes out of the Fredman. But it's on an average basis : of course, he can do some great drums, but most of the time they are just blurred behind a wall of medium guitars. But then again, it may come from the mastering (too much limiting kills the drums).
Some Bergstrand examples:
In Flames - Reroute to Remain, Soundtrack to Your Escape
Soilwork - stabbing the drama
Behemoth - Demigod
Strapping Young Lad - City
Darkane - Rusted Angel, Insanity, expanding senses
Scarve - Irradiant

This is what I myself listened to. His work is OK at best. I want to hear the fucking bass guitar dammit!
Fredrik IS phenomenal. Soilwork, In Flames (especially Clayman - wonderful production) - these bands all soounded great, until they switched to Bergstrand - since then, I really can't stand listening to them. The drums sound like cardboard, the guitars are GONE GONE GONE. Strange really, as I've always been a big fan og Bergstrand (Meshuggah and Darkane sounded really great). But i must pay my respect to Bergstrand, because he tries something new....maybe it'll even sound good at some point. He's very talented. Also look out for Tue Madsen or Jacob Hansen - great soundmen too.....
commandante said:
Some Bergstrand examples:
In Flames - Reroute to Remain, Soundtrack to Your Escape
Soilwork - stabbing the drama
Behemoth - Demigod
Strapping Young Lad - City
Darkane - Rusted Angel, Insanity, expanding senses
Scarve - Irradiant

This is what I myself listened to. His work is OK at best. I want to hear the fucking bass guitar dammit!
Bergstrand is fucking awesome, That scarve album is devastating. Just compare it to their older stuff and the difference is blatently positive and for the good of their sound.
Well, I love all those albums except the IF ones... But I think they could be a lot better production-wise...