Free/cheap sample loader?

Didn't read that part of the manual yet, but figured out how to do it. The way you load the sample feels weird at the moment, but I guess it makes more sense later.
As said, I've got to RTFM. I'll have to check the manual every now and then when new things come up. Can't just read it thoroughly once, not from the fucking computer screen. :hypno:

Learning Logic is really hard when all you have for a manual is a menu on the internet... The accompanying small booklet won't help at anything. Thanks for your help!

I hear you, there is actually a downloadable pdf manual available from the apple support site:

just click "view as pdf" under which manual you want. i would recommend downloading the main manual, and the instruments and effects manuals at least. still a pain in the balls but at least its better than the shitty "help" system way of doing it.

and i agree, lack of printed manuals is a bitch to learn with, i learned on Logic 8, which came with about 5kg of printed manuals. i learned everything by just reading from cover-to-cover over the course of a few days.

abd yes, the EXS24 can be a little intimidating at first, but there is a lot of power and flexibility in there.