question about slate drum loader


Feb 19, 2012
i know you can load other downloaded drum waves into slate using the custom slot
so i was wondering if i bought any kits from sturgis sets
would i be able to load them in the slate player as wavs?
Best bet is to pull your WAV's into the Trigger instrument editor and create a trigger file (tci) so you have all your different multisamples and velocities. If you just pull a WAV straight into your trigger plugin you'll just have a single one hit sample.
Best bet is to pull your WAV's into the Trigger instrument editor and create a trigger file (tci) so you have all your different multisamples and velocities. If you just pull a WAV straight into your trigger plugin you'll just have a single one hit sample.


I even did that with 3 BFD Platinum Samples Expansion kits I have.
I converted them to Wavs (recording at different velocities) and then imported the Wavs in Trigger Instrument Editor.
Had a lot of work with it but works great.

Also did it with old samples I have like Sample Cell, Drum Doctor, etc...
When did he say that? The last I heard was that they were making one, but it never came out... and neither did the update for trigger...

can't be bothered to look it up. Maybe he changed his mind on it but I remember Slate saying it would be way to expensive to build an SSD user kit editor. It's an advanced feature that only 1/100 users would actually use.

It would be nice but BFD, addictive drums, Superior Drummer and all the others don't let you build kits with your own samples either.
So I looked it up

Posted by Josh Burgess

Damn. The thought that we'd have to buy the instrument maker never even crossed my mind. You saying that there was going to be one earlier in this thread made it sound as if it was part of the plugin and just not ready to be released yet. I may not have bought SSD 4.0 at all had I known this.... Not cool at all.

Posted by Slate

I hope the deluxe update for trigger is pretty inexpensive for people who bought SSD 4, considering we could just print the wavs ourselves and make our own TCIs...
Dear everyone, if Josh pays my SSD4 development team $5,000 a week for the next four weeks to make the SSD4 Instrument maker with an easy to use GUI for Mac and Windows, I will gladly offer it to everyone for free.

Your move Josh. We're counting on you.


Posted by Josh Burgess

I actually develop software myself. Only 2 courses away from finishing my computer science degree... Just a B.S., not a Master's or PhD, but hey... I'll probably end up being a code monkey for much of my career =P I'd rather work in the music/audio industry, but the likelihood of me making as much money doing that as being a developer is slim, to say the least.

Anyways, I know nothing about DSP/pro audio plugin programming, but my point is that you said they "hard coded" the slate samples to set them up for SSD 4. The thing is, they could have just created the instrument maker then at the same time since they were already coding the necessary functions to convert/setup the samples. I'm sure they will be reusing code from then, anyways. Reusing code = efficiency. They already copied many features from Kontakt, which has it's "instrument maker" built in as part of the program. They could have done something similar within the plugin back when they first setup the SSD samples, instead of making it two separate programs developed at two separate times...

P.S. Slate sent me a PM sayin that the instrument maker will only be around $25. So, it's not a big deal, I guess. I was thinking they were going to charge quite a bit more than that.


Posted by AudioGeekZine

I'd say $25 for the custom instrument editor is very fair. maybe 5% of SSD4 users would ever use it.


Posted by Slate

That's really great that you are studying computer science Josh. Its a fascinating field and one that I've become inspired by. We're living in a time where software is able to do create so many complex and innovative solutions.

As for the instrument maker, when producing a program like SSD4, its all about speed and efficiency. To make a working Mac/Pc instrument maker would have simply taken time OUT of producing the actual plugin. You can't do both at the same time, we're not Adobe, we don't have that many coders. So it was just not possible.

The SSD4 team literally would stay up days in a row coding and testing this beast. Its not easy. And not cheap.

Your move Josh. We're counting on you.
Sounds like we're all waiting for you to caugh up the $20K. Come on man, we're waiting.

So I looked it up

Your move Josh. We're counting on you.
Sounds like we're all waiting for you to caugh up the $20K. Come on man, we're waiting.



He was explaining why they didn't have the instrument editor ready to go when SSD4 was released. He didn't say that they weren't going to make one at all. In other threads he said that they've been working on it and that it would eventually be available for a small fee (I think like $20-$30?)... Of course, it's been a long time now, and it still hasn't surfaced... neither has the Trigger update containing the SSD4 deluxe samples...