Free Metal Lessons, if anyone wants em!


Mar 3, 2008
This is not spam lol, but I posted a while ago asking if people wanted to help write lessons for a site I am working on...However no one really wrote much or followed up so I was left by myself yet again.

The Metal Sessions

A few months later and tons of lessons later, the site is now fuller, and closer to completion. Beginner guitar and music theory are completely done, intermediate guitar and vocals are half complete, and recording and advanced guitar are not really started yet.

Just recently posted an inspirational section where you can read stories about metal related stuff such as norse mythology, and would help to give you ideas. Also added are interviews, only a few bands for now but I plan on growing it exponentially soon.

Anyways, let me know what you think so far! I agree that metal can't be COMPLETELY taught, but you can sure help people go in the right direction. No metalcore, nu metal, whatever here.
I remember this, and was unfortunately preparing for exams if I remember correctly. I'm really impressed with the progress that you've made and would still be interested in helping out at some point if you still need it.
Yes it is my website, I have handwritten each and every website apart from a few music theory lessons and some interviews, definitely a slow process LOL.

Thanks alot for the kind words so far! It'd be really interesting if a beginner guitarist on here would go through the lessons and try to learn, so I can see just how effective it is.

And blackmetalwhiteguy, yeah Im always looking for a helping hand, so whenever you have more free time and would like to, shoot me a PM, Id love that!
Meh what happened to my drumming lessons? I was going to give you the blastbeat one as well!
this is actually written pretty well ive gone through it. im necessarily new to guitar ive been playing for a year but i hit a plateau a few months ago and i couldn't seem to break it so i lost interest maybe ill pick it back up and look through this website. it definitely makes me want to try at least.
Meh what happened to my drumming lessons? I was going to give you the blastbeat one as well!

I had it up! But then I took it down since you had never written any other lessons lmfao, so I thought maybe you didn't wanna any more..But if you wanna help, hell yeah Ill stick it back up
Yeah everything is really well written and explained thouroughly with examples. Keep up the awesome work dude!

I'm Interested in what the next vocals lessons look like.
Wow! I'm still a beginner at guitar and the stuff on here is quite helpful, from what I have read so far.

Keep up the great work, man!