Free Ozzfest

about fuckin time!!!
you pay a shitload of money to go to the show, they corral you in and wont let you out, and charge you $5 for water in the middle of summer! it got to the point 2 years ago when i said i would never go to another ozzfest becouse of the fucking rape that it has become. and another thing is i thought alot of those bands had to actualy pay to play ozzfest! i think sharons a lying cunt! she just now realized that ozzfest was going to the crapper and i was glad about it!:headbang:

Sounds of the underground came to town!
lets be honest here....if you could get a slot at Ozfest and had to pay for would, becuase of all the exposure you're gonna get. many bands were unknown until Ozfest. alota peeps would still pay if prices went up. metal for some peeps is all they have, they will work all year just to save money for Ozfest. the problem i have with some of the when they dont get the reception they feel they deserve they walk off in the middle of thier if they do 3/4 of a show do we get 25% of a refund, no. I dont know what the figures are about what Ozzy and his wife takes home from the fest....but the money that they spend to put the tour out there is well worth the money they charge.
lets be honest here....if you could get a slot at Ozfest and had to pay for would, becuase of all the exposure you're gonna get. many bands were unknown until Ozfest. alota peeps would still pay if prices went up. metal for some peeps is all they have, they will work all year just to save money for Ozfest. the problem i have with some of the when they dont get the reception they feel they deserve they walk off in the middle of thier if they do 3/4 of a show do we get 25% of a refund, no. I dont know what the figures are about what Ozzy and his wife takes home from the fest....but the money that they spend to put the tour out there is well worth the money they charge.

Yeah but it doesn't change the fact that Yoko I mean Sharon is a c*nt.
She drives around in a golfcart sometimes, or at least did at the venue I went to (San Bernardino).

There I am, walking back from getting a water, and she comes flying over the fucking hill in a golfcart, right at me. I had to dive out of the way to avoid getting hit.
She drives around in a golfcart sometimes, or at least did at the venue I went to (San Bernardino).

There I am, walking back from getting a water, and she comes flying over the fucking hill in a golfcart, right at me. I had to dive out of the way to avoid getting hit.

:lol: Should of let her hit ya'!!!! Then it'd be called ______(fill in blank with your name! FEST! :kickass:
She drives around in a golfcart sometimes, or at least did at the venue I went to (San Bernardino).

There I am, walking back from getting a water, and she comes flying over the fucking hill in a golfcart, right at me. I had to dive out of the way to avoid getting hit.


You couldn't pay me to go to Ozzfest. I went in 03, and it was one of the most dreadful experiences of my life. The only good part about it was Meshuggah. The rest of the bands were all the reject Limp Bisquick followers that we all though fell off the face of the earth never to be seen again...a lot like this year's lineup! :lol:

Actually, I like System of a Down. KSE and LoG are A-okay too. ;)
Yeah, as if the bullshit buy-ins, detestable lineups, and egos involved weren't bad enough, after that whole Iron Maiden incident I decided that Sharon could just go fuck herself with a vacuum cleaner. Not only are the bands I'd want to see getting shafted more often than not, the bands I couldn't be paid to watch make up a clear and easy majority, I can just as easily not bother and wait until the bands come around on a proper tour (where I'll pay a third of the price, a decent amount of money goes to the bands themselves, I can buy merchandise at much more reasonable prices, and the lineup doesn't blow) on their own.

Even if that weren't as big a problem, I wouldn't even think of going simply because nobody gets to fuck with Iron Fucking Maiden. I don't think that any of the lineups Ozzy has been on stage with (in Sabbath or his solo project) could fucking touch the brilliance of IM, and for some stuck-up bitch like Sharon to decide that she can ride her husband's fame around and try to make them look bad - not even a fucking band member, just some night hag who shouldn't be let out of a cage - is just disgusting.

our Gigantour was at the congress theatre, the one venue in chicago with a 4-second natural reverb. When the bands talk it sounds like "DODOFOASFGAS SAFAgA ASFJSAFJJASF."

Put it this way, it takes a hell of a lot to make Opeth sound less than phenomenal live and they sounded like absolute dog shit. The other bands were even worse, and the engineers scooped the mids on the whole LOG set. Sounded like a fucking dental drill. To this day it's the only show I've left because of bad sound.
That doesn't sound like fun, 4 second natural reverb. Opeth sounded amazing when they played here and they were stuck in a place where the 'sound isolation' between the outdoor 'bar' and the stage is a four-inch piece of styrofoam that fits over the 'window' (read: barred-off square hole in a wall), and where the solution to 'needs more XXX' is 'crank volume'...

I'll have to remember to not go there anytime soon. Gigantour played at a decent venue here (covered outdoors, so no issues like that) and didn't sound terrible, although Nevermore's guitars were too quiet and Fear Factory's guitars were much too loud. If it turns into a second Ozzfest I'll just be pissed.

This is going to be poular but with all due guys Im sure the line up is announced before you get there. No one makes you buy tickets. Also I hate to say it but buys on fo tours are nothing unusual.
our Gigantour was at the congress theatre, the one venue in chicago with a 4-second natural reverb. When the bands talk it sounds like "DODOFOASFGAS SAFAgA ASFJSAFJJASF."

Put it this way, it takes a hell of a lot to make Opeth sound less than phenomenal live and they sounded like absolute dog shit. The other bands were even worse, and the engineers scooped the mids on the whole LOG set. Sounded like a fucking dental drill. To this day it's the only show I've left because of bad sound.

The Congress is a horrid venue, all those freakin domes...

The World (Tweeter Center) is where I saw the first gigantour, and that is godawful as well.

Poor Chicago. :(
The last ozzfest i went too i left after like 2 hours it was just that bad and just vouched i would never go again. I don't even know if i would go if it was free.

Funny Sharron says oh the bands charged more and more money. So ticket prices had to be raised each year . You mean to tell me the Ozzy and Sharron didn't make more money each year hahahahahahaha YEA FUCKING RIGHT!!

:puke: Ozzfest