Freeze function in Cubase doing weird


mixomatic 2000
Jun 7, 2010
New Zealand
So I use the freeze function is Cubase to save CPU, I have done for years with no trouble, till now.

I am working on a full length at the moment and I have frozen the gats with sims on them till I am ready to re-amp them as we track the rest of the parts. (still have bass and vox to do)
Out of the 10 songs, 3 of them will not freeze properly, the tracks that are frozen will play fine until about 3/4 of the way through the song then the audio will drop out of one or two of the frozen gat tracks till the end of the track. They drop in the same place every time, even if I un freeze them and try again. When they are un frozen they play fine. Different sims do not help.
Any ideas?
Yeah may have to. Thanks.

I would still like to figure out what is doing this though, its never happened before this project. If any one knows please help?
Sorry I can't help with your problem (never had this happen to me) but I do have a question about 'printing tracks'. I don't understand what this means. Is printing a track the same as bouncing a track? My first thought is that it is not the same because if you bounced a track you couldn't undo the 'sims' you have on the track, and bouncing just a direct track won't save any cpu. What am I missing?
Printing just means bouncing or mixing down, IMO. SO, if I were to mix the gats down to either separate mono or single stereo track and re import it/them to a new track I can deactivate and mute the original track thus saving CPU. Since I am only tracking at this point I don't need to worry about not being able to adjust the tone much and this is more so I can keep my latency as low as possible for tracking rather than CPU, really. but the same thing still applies for mixing too I guess, I hate mixing with high latency values.
Hope this helps.
Ive had issues with this before. The way i have fixed it is this....I open the project, unfreeze everything. Save the project (unfrozen), close cubase the project back up with everything unfrozen...then refreeze stuff. Works for me everytime i have an issue with freezing.