Frequent POD Farm plug in users, need help

I've been using the POD Farm 2 standalone program ever since I bought it a couple months ago.

But recently, I've wanted to record the DI so I tried using the VST.

When I set it as an insert on a guitar track [using Cubase btw], and open its UI, it doesn't detect the signal of the guitar.

At the same time, I opened the standalone and it detected the signal just fine.

I really want to learn to record DI with this correctly so I can swap tones whenever. Can anyone help?
that sounds like a daw problem of some sort but not really sure. i've always just loaded the plugin into whatever daw im using atm(reaper, pt9) and haven't had any problems whatsoever
why aren't you using output 3-4 from pod farm to get the DI's? Been a while since I sold my gear but I was able to use the standalone version and record both straight DI and processed tone using the extra outputs.
Playback of recorded takes: Should work immediately.
Monitored live playing: You need to press a loudspeaker on the track to activate this feature.

Engaging the monitor button (immediately to the right of record enable) should be the simplest way to do it. Depending on your setup the latency could be an issue. I monitor through a split signal going into my PodXT and then play with tones later in Pod Farm 2, but I wouldn't recommend buying more pod type hardware just for this purpose.