pod farm/ waves plugins help?


MaN Of MaNy NamEZ
Oct 2, 2007
I am using pod farm/gearbox with pro tools, a high end custom Ibanez 7-string tuned in drop A, and in my chain of inserts is 2 waves renn EQ's first one for eq cuts and 2nd is for eq boosts, then i have a waves renn compressor and then andys waves c4 trick(for the tightness of the lowend). It is coming out muddy as hell. what could be some pointers that would get me in the right direction to make it sound more crystal clear. I have heard some other peoples mixes with pod farm/gear box and they sound amazing. I cant record live guitars due to my apartment complex..thank you
by the way, the heads that im using in the line 6 pod farm is the knock off of the 5150, the triple rectifier combined. I am looking for a really clean sound like Chimaira's(self titled), Machine Heads (the blackening) or Fear Factory's(obsolete).
Is JohnStorm one of your "MaNy NamEZ"?

For real though, how much have you messed with all the Gearbox settings? Did you put the virtual tubescreamer before the amp? It helps a ton. Which cab sim are you using?