Friday Night Thread


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
Ok, folks. I'm aware with time differences that it may be a completley different time of day to you but over here in Britain its 11.15pm...and i want explantations as to why folks are here when they should be out having beer!

My excuse is, big night in edinburgh resting tonight.

whats everyone elses...
I don't like drinking in the evening. I drank 6 Carling earlier today (as you know). Going out to pubs/clubs sucks also. Why be crowded/no choice of music when you can stay home, dance with a chair and listen to choice of music.

ps - drinking on the streets pwns.
I was partying last night really hard, and whole friday was one big hangover. So I don't feel like going out anywhere tonight.
Final_Product said:
I'm setting exams for next week! But it takes ten seconds. Go and have a beer!
Actually I live 10km off the city, so it takes about an hour to go/grab a bear/get back :p
And these aren't normal exams, they are admission exams for the college...that means, I'll do a 5hours duration test, and then if I move on to the second stage, 5 tests 5hours each.
It hurts.
That is MAJORLLY harsh.

And Gav, yeah, most jobs are like that. Gotta grin and bear's all about the moolah in the end, i suppose.
Time for bed over here. I'm fucking knackered. I had a cheese and wine thing at work for department society thing. I got suitably drunk there. and now im one sleepy SOB.
its 8:10 and ill be caddying for 36 holes tommorow, so no late night for me.... im hoping to make at least 180 US, not bad for 7 hours work:Spin: