Friday vs. Saturday: The Poll

Friday or Saturday?

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Heavenly Call said:
Saturday, for me it's not even close...the only draw for me Friday is Angra and a slight interest in Circus Maximus.

Saturday for me too. Angra is the only big draw for me on Friday.
And yes, before the goofy remarks start, I own all of Conception's albums as well as all of Manticora's.
I voted for Saturday. Therion & Pink Cream 69 are the 2 I want to see most. Symphorce will rock as well I'm sure, Andy is the man. I wouldn't give those 3 bands up for anything.

Friday night I'm stoked to see Manticora and Orphaned Land the most followed by Angra. I have no Conception material and we'll see about Circus Maximus.
Um....that would have to be FRIDAY!

Conception and Angra are the two bands that I would love to see that night.

Keep Rockin'!
I´m dying to see Orphaned Land and Angra, manticora sounds good, Conception just for Kahn, Circus Maximus have a good sound
I already saw Therion and Strato, I don´t like PC 69 (cd buying time), Symphorce and stride mmm .......
Since the votes are overwhelmingly for Friday, and I voted that way too, let me just add that the one band I'm coming to see more than any other is Stratovarius.
Friday for me. I have 2 cd buying bands throughout the weekend, 1 on each night, so that's a toss up. Angra is probably my favorite band right now, Circus Maximus is kicking my ass and so is Manticora. New Strato sucks but am really looking forward to seeing them play the older stuff, and I won't know Stride's stuff so i'm goin with Friday.
rockyracoon said:
tough call, but Stride is reason enough to choose Saturday!

Amen, brother.

While I don't think that they are the "be-all-end-all-salvation-of-metal" type band...they totally shit all over other bands.

They have something to prove...and they're coming to Atlanta!

I just can't speak highly enough of these guys...and they deserve much anticipation and respect for their opening slot...which is the whole fucking reason they got our $$$ this year.

Rock on!
Saturday wins 2-1 over Friday for me. Stratovarius, Pink Cream 69, and Symphorce (subject a point for Therion though) versus Conception.
PPVI isn't really my favorite lineup on either night. There is no band that I am particularly a fan of, but that might be a good thing. I am waiting to be surprised and have my butt kicked by a band I'm not very familiar with like what happened to me at PPII with Balance of Power. They kicked my butt and I had only heard a couple of songs by them previously.
