frist concert help

Well on one of my first concert I was in the first line and it sometimes really hurts when the pit push you from behind! The best way is, as someone already said, staying behind the pit.

And the best of all is getting into the pit drunk and ready for action!
Zephyrus said:
you might not want to get up front if this is your first concert. It's loud as fuck and you need time to acclimate.

or better yet, don't go the concert at all. there is probably a Nick Lachey or Sean Paul concert down the street that would be better suited for you as it being your first concert.
ohiogrinder said:
or better yet, don't go the concert at all. there is probably a Nick Lachey or Sean Paul concert down the street that would be better suited for you as it being your first concert.

I meant not get as close. At my first metal concert I stayed in the back for the firist two sets just to get used to teh fucking loudness. By the third and fourth set I was ready to move up to just behind the pit to get fully blasted.
go to the front when the band is setting up and hold on to the barricade. you might get kicked in the head a little if someone stage dives over you but that only hurts for like a minute.
Most bands sound like shit and it does not even matter where you stand.
my advice is go to the sides - unless you are aiming for front MIDDLE, you can usually get pretty close if you don't mind being to the side of the stage, and also avoid most of the moshin
...maybe he's really going to see priest and he wants to get close enough to wink and blow kisses at halford. smh.
ohiogrinder shut up u make me laugh everytime i see u post(ppl laugh at me also) and dont think i dont listion to true black metal..darkthrone,opthlima,dissection,mayhem and of course underground bands

anyways...i am still small for my age and i will be with 5 people so i sould stand behine the pit?
newBLACKways said:
ohiogrinder shut up u make me laugh everytime i see u post(ppl laugh at me also) and dont think i dont listion to true black metal..darkthrone,opthlima,dissection,mayhem and of course underground bands

anyways...i am still small for my age and i will be with 5 people so i sould stand behine the pit?
no stand in bruv:kickass: :Smokin:
newBLACKways said:
ohiogrinder shut up u make me laugh everytime i see u post(ppl laugh at me also) and dont think i dont listion to true black metal..darkthrone,opthlima,dissection,mayhem and of course underground bands

anyways...i am still small for my age and i will be with 5 people so i sould stand behine the pit?


Being in the pit is for fucktards who want to slam around irrespective of the music.

I once saw Leo Smee (Cathedral) push someone off the stage (bloody annoyed he was too) who had unplugged his bass with his big drunk ass feet. Either be at the barrier, or do as we old fuckers do, and stand at the back of the pit. You'll see the band, the sound is better, and there will generally be far fewer cunts stood near you.
Carcassian said:

Being in the pit is for fucktards who want to slam around irrespective of the music.

I once saw Leo Smee (Cathedral) push someone off the stage (bloody annoyed he was too) who had unplugged his bass with his big drunk ass feet. Either be at the barrier, or do as we old fuckers do, and stand at the back of the pit. You'll see the band, the sound is better, and there will generally be far fewer cunts stood near you.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: The aged one speaketh the truth
I can't wait to be in a band. When someone gets on stage i'm going to kick them in the face with steeltoes.
The Greys said:
I can't wait to be in a band. When someone gets on stage i'm going to kick them in the face with steeltoes. its overrated to stand up front.....and how does something like soudns of the udnerground work..are there more then one stage...and anything else
Don't be a pussy get in the fucking pit!

If things start getting rowdy start throwing punches and do everything in your power not to fall down. If your friends wanna wuss out of the pit leave em behind and have some violent fun!!