From the start.....innocence..........

another fantastic album with several solid rocking anthems... raise the Texas yell!!

the cover art is beautiful but I think "Broken heroes" is the best track on this one...

Waited.......and waited..........and waited.......for this to come out. Remember hearing Back On The Streets first playing on Tommy Vance and thinkin....A bit Lightweight! good song and album but the METAL part of Saxons make up was gone! At the time I was disappointed as all the interviews ect said they were back on top form, but it was prob the producer who gave them that sound. Think its a great album now, still got my Bak On The Streets and R & Roll Gypsy 12" singles! Fave tracks - Back On The Streets, Rock & Roll Gypsy, Rockin again, Broken Heroes. Actually the tour was good, and starting of with Rockin again was cool. Would Be good to hear it re-done with a more metal production
I have always liked this album. Yes it is a lot more commercial than other albums, but it has got some great tracks on it. It has one of my all time favourite Saxon songs, and that is 'Devil Rides Out'. Although I have gone off this song big time since O/D starting singing it! I think Biffs singing on this song is superb, especially in the third verse.

Mad Dan - Do you mean Saxon starting off the album with 'Rocking Again', or the live show? Because when I went to see them they stated off with 'Gonna Shout'. But you are right, that tour was great. Well, the gig I went to was certainly great! And the thing is, it was probably Saxons last good tour as a 'big' band. Because the next tour got a right slagging off! And it was pretty much downhill from there. But more of that when Wilks does the next album.

Oh and by the way, I'm not saying that Saxon arn't as good as they were in those days, because we all know Saxon are better now than ever. I just mean the 'Innocence' tour was probably the pinnacle of their success.
I remember being so excited about this album coming out.On Saturday morning i went straight up town and got the apple shaped picture disc back on the street again.In the weeks that followed i got the album and they played Leicester.
They opened with rockin again at Leicester the place was packed and Biff was in fine form telling us that the waistcoat he was from a spinish matador.He also did the classic "oh whats this say"picking up a piece of paper"wekcome back to leicester you bastids".
As for the album i think it wore thin quickly.But when one of the shows was played on the friday rock show it sounded great.It just goes to show saxon are at there best live.
Wilks and Mad Dan - That is weird, you are both saying that Saxon started off with 'Rocking Again'. But at the Hammersmith, I am 100% sure they started off with 'Gonna Shout'. 'Rocking Again' is a great song, but way too slow to start off a gig with. Whether your two dates were early on in the tour, and the Hammersmith date was later, I don't know. Maybe they changed 'Rocking Again' because it wasn't going down so well as the opening song. They played it at the Hammersmith, but I couldn't tell you where abouts in the set it was. Come to think of it, I have that Hammersmith gig on tape, it was on the Friday rock show.
Ye they must have changed it but defo started with Rockin Again at the gig I was at, was good actually, the stage was in Darkness, the intro slow bitwas played as a single spotlight picked out Biff on the stage, then everyone kicked in and we were rockin'
I love this album! One of my favs of all time! Great songs, great album cover!
Its a good album, and not only because of that nice looking girl (my opinion ..) on the cover.. Does anybody know who she is? Maybe a question for another cpmpetition on the board? It was mixed in the Netherlands.. Between ( ) my appreciation

-Rockin'again = fantastic (8)
-Call of the wild = fantastic (8)
-Back on the streets= very fantastic (8,5) Love the video, with these three nice women, my eyes always need that now and then))
-Devil rides out = very fantastic (8,5) I like the guitar solo so much.., very dramatic sound.. I love this song..
-Rock and roll gypsies =very fantastic (8,5) Another city, another lie, another town , another place Motorhead lyrics if you ask me..?!

-Broken heroes= very very fantastic (9) I only wished the guitar solo was longer and perhaps the sound of the recording of that solo should have been done much clearer.. On the Rock and roll gypsie live album, the solo is very good and clear..
-Gonna shout= very fantastic (9) It makes me swing, this song gives me always a good feeling in my this track

and then.... in a sudden... for me the good feeling is over

-Everybody Up (6,5)
-Raise some Hell (6,3)
-Give it everything you've got (6) I like the percussion from Nigel alot in this track

The lyrics are good... so the most of the songs are great, but in the end those last 3 songs..I wished it had been 3 other songs more like on the previous 7 ..But the album still lives in my head...still after 20 years.. so it must be good..Maybe it could have been recorded a bit louder...It always does remind me of def leppard-sound... Well that is good from Saxon, because Leppard always needs 3 years to record an album like this and Saxon does it in 3 weeks or so?

Another thing.. what I like about that saxon-vynil period is that I could down -speed and up-speed my pick-up player/vynil record.. Have you ever listened to Rockin again on a higher speed.?. its even better then on normal speed.. The previous week I had my walkman on with a cassette tape from the Saxon live album Greatest hits alive and the batteries were getting low and the speed went down of the song Back on the streets..It was just great! It gives it a surrealistic dimmension...(And this is no joke i am seroious as ever.. for example the 747 song on wheels of steel album, I always played that song with more speed on my pick-up player... to me its better then... Try Rockin ágain with more up-speed..for a it!)
Good songs on this album, not in the same league as Lionheart though for me
The first time i saw saxon live was of this tour.

The only real thing that lets this album down just a little bit is the production exp on the Drums eeekkkkk.
call of the wild for some reason stands out, although everybody up would in my opinion be the best track on it if it wasnt for the lame use of keyboards during the song.

Btw, did anyone ever get a copy of 'Alternative Innocence' ?
if i remember rightly rocking again was played at the end of the set before the encore wheels of steel " i wanna hear the crowd the balcony the chairs the wood the paper i wanna hear everything making some fucking noise "end quote biff circa 86
hey heavy celli are you saying that rock and roll gypsies is like we are the road crew by motorhead? if so.... good spot