
May 16, 2010
Reykjavík, Iceland
I really enjoy horror/splatter films, but I had not seen a good one in a long time. That is until I came across a copy of the film in question at the city library this weekend. So I watched through it late last night and was really impressed. This film is really cool, exciting, brutal and has some excellent social commentary and political allegory. Usually when films like this attempt some sort of social/political commentary or criticism it´s so superficial and tame it ends up undermining the films credibility. Best case scenario it comes off as unnecessary and at worst embarrassing. In this film the social commentary/political criticism forms an important part of the film and is one of it´s main strengths instead of a weakness. It is also just much more skillfully integrated than usually. Anyway this French film from 2007 has a far better and interesting story than most horror films made these days. It has more interesting characters and some really awesome horror scenes. The cinematography I found also impressive. Has anyone here seen this? What did you think? Anyway, I really recommend it.
And here is an interview with the director
I just watched Inside and it sounds similar. Lots of gushing scissor wounds equating to what I assume is some kind of French political commentary but who cares about that huh.

I just noticed Frontier(s) is streaming on Netflix, I should watch it.
It wasn't a bad movie. Not my favorite of French movies but regardless, it was well done without going overboard.

Well, it´s absolutely not my favourite French film. Of course not, that´s a pretty tough competition! When it comes to French films my favourites are 60´s and 70´s modernist films from directors such as Jean- Luc Godard, Alain Resnais and Agnès Varda, to name a few.
So no one else has seen Inside? We can discuss our favorite parts of the film, like that scene with scissors, or that other scene with scissors, or the time someone lost their scissors and had to improvise by stabbing with a knife, but then they quickly found the scissors again. Or that time some French person bled all over something.

Inside: An homage to scissors.