Ft. Lauderdale bootleg

markgugs said:
What do you mean, "compress", it'll sound better?
Compression is used to make the levels of a wav file even, ie makes the softer parts louder and the louder parts not as loud. It is a common production technique. When used correctly, it makes stuff sound better.

If you were ready to jump in with a nice "lossless format vs. mp3" arguement, stick it up your ass. That is a purely subjective subject, and entirely moot to me anyway when it comes to bootlegs that aren't soundboard.

This luckily sounds good enough to doctor up, so be patient. I might be able to have some up later tonight.
Mr. Niel said:
Compression is used to make the levels of a wav file even, ie makes the softer parts louder and the louder parts not as loud. It is a common production technique. When used correctly, it makes stuff sound better.
First off, as someone who's quite familiar with the proper way to remaster a bootleg, what you're describing is known as "normalizing." Nice try though.

If you were ready to jump in with a nice "lossless format vs. mp3" arguement, stick it up your ass. That is a purely subjective subject, and entirely moot to me anyway when it comes to bootlegs that aren't soundboard.
Purely subjective? Congratulations for joining the ranks of the fucking dumb. There's nothing subjective about it, but again, thanks for playing. Your comment regarding soundboards only demonstrate just how inadequate your understanding of audio actually is.

Now, since all I did was ask a simple question, you can take that bootleg and stick it up YOUR ass. How's that sound? I'm not a neophyte, I have plenty of sources. I certainly don't need to beg a dumb-ass such as yourself who thinks normalizing sound equates to compression. :rolleyes:
markgugs said:
First off, as someone who's quite familiar with the proper way to remaster a bootleg, what you're describing is known as "normalizing." Nice try though.

Purely subjective? Congratulations for joining the ranks of the fucking dumb. There's nothing subjective about it, but again, thanks for playing. Your comment regarding soundboards only demonstrate just how inadequate your understanding of audio actually is.

Now, since all I did was ask a simple question, you can take that bootleg and stick it up YOUR ass. How's that sound? I'm not a neophyte, I have plenty of sources. I certainly don't need to beg a dumb-ass such as yourself who thinks normalizing sound equates to compression. :rolleyes:

If you'd play in a band or ever recorded drums or vocals in a studio you'd know that this IS called compression.........a compressor's used live for the vocs very often.....of course it can be called normalizing on the computer....but "compressing"'s totally right.
markgugs said:
First off, as someone who's quite familiar with the proper way to remaster a bootleg, what you're describing is known as "normalizing." Nice try though.

Purely subjective? Congratulations for joining the ranks of the fucking dumb. There's nothing subjective about it, but again, thanks for playing. Your comment regarding soundboards only demonstrate just how inadequate your understanding of audio actually is.

Now, since all I did was ask a simple question, you can take that bootleg and stick it up YOUR ass. How's that sound? I'm not a neophyte, I have plenty of sources. I certainly don't need to beg a dumb-ass such as yourself who thinks normalizing sound equates to compression. :rolleyes:
Here is the thread for the bit torrent link for the whole entire DVD.


You are mistaken, fuckface :tickled: . I'm not even going to argue with you, you are one of those insane bootleg purists who insist on what is "right" and what is "good" over some shitty recording some guy made with a hand held microphone while standing in the mosh pit.

Just because you read the help file on what "normalization" is on your MusicMatch jukebox software does not make you an expert on audio engineering/remastering, especially since you don't know the difference between what a compressor does and what normalization is. Here's a dollar, buy yourself a clue. (either way, the point is moot again, since I didn't do anything to the audio. The torrent is the original everything.)

Yes, subjective is the term to use, since it's a matter of personal taste whether you want to hear some shitty live recording as a wav file or 128 kbps. Bottom line is, it's still gonna sound like a guy standing there with an external mic getting jostled around, hearing everyone's conversations nearby ("Play some fucking Skynard!!!!! WWWOOOOOOOOOOO!") as the band plays. I'd rather hear a soundboard show if anything. Once again if you weren't paying attention, that is a matter of personal taste between you and me, the dedicated bootleg listeners, which of course is pretty much the definition of "subjective". (see 1b)

Furthurmore, with that kind of attitude, no one is really going to want to trade with you anyway, so go find someone else to preach to, or at least a different thread, please.:loco:

Anyway...I rate this boot as (on a scale of one to ten)

Vid/pic 8-9 (few minor camera shakes, guy moves the camera off the stand a few times, but otherwise good picture)

Audio 7-8 (it's an external mic. Yay. Could use some highs. Whoever said Opeth were flawless that night was lying too, Mike has quite a few vocal flubs.)

I'm leaving it on for a few days. Please somebody seed this after they get it. 4 gigs is alot of fucking space.
markgugs said:
He is talking about a bootleg, therefore it is normalizing. Regardless, this forum has shown me all I need to make a decision about whether or not to spread my Opeth bootlegs here.
The decision you need to make about spreading would be involving your asscheeks and whoever's cock is making you so grumpy and high and mighty.
Mr. Niel said:
The decision you need to make about spreading would be involving your asscheeks and whoever's cock is making you so grumpy and high and mighty.


I think it's the lack of cock that is making him grumpy
far out what a dickhead that markgugs is... talk about an attitude problem take your bootleg and shuve it up your arse.
And one more thing Marky mark, I can bet you money that there is not one Opeth bootleg you have that at least three other people don't have that frequent either here or the sublevels hub, and most of the people that would want what you have would have no shows of value to give you and could only ask for blanks and postage. Judging from your posts, you don't really seem like a blanks and postage kinda guy...so I'd just like to reiterate your previous point of having pretty much wasted your time coming here and running your mouth.
I was reading his posts on Sharingthegroove. The one bootleg he recorded himself and didn't share, someone else already shared a different source of, so there goes his bootleg hoarding plan!
You're right, this IS a comical thread.

I don't "hoarde" bootlegs, silly children. I just do not have the ability to seed my own at Sharing the Groove; for the record, it's being mailed to someone for seeding purposes at this very moment. Please do me the favor, and none of you download. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

At least Mr. Niel does have some clue, so I'll take his abuse. The rest of you are fucking morons. Sorry. Now have a wonderful fucking day kiddies.
Mr. Niel said:
And one more thing Marky mark, I can bet you money that there is not one Opeth bootleg you have that at least three other people don't have that frequent either here or the sublevels hub, and most of the people that would want what you have would have no shows of value to give you and could only ask for blanks and postage. Judging from your posts, you don't really seem like a blanks and postage kinda guy...so I'd just like to reiterate your previous point of having pretty much wasted your time coming here and running your mouth.
You are right about one thing: I have indeed wasted my time in coming here to discuss bootlegs.

You obviously don't know a single thing about me, or you'd realize that I offer B&Ps (or accept emailed requests) at the rate of 5-7 per week. Just because I'm not offering my Opeth show HERE on B&P means nothing. It'll be spread in other ways.

At least you were smart enough to seed this at STG, so I'll give you that.