FT: Schecter Jeff Loomis Signature Hellraiser C-7

If you're interested, I may want to trade or sell it. I have my eye on something else. I'm playing it right now and she's a beaut, I'll tell you. I'm just not a fan of Floyd Rose-esque trems (I have a tremol-no, as mentioned before, but I just have too many guitars (11 of them to be exact).

You just tore down my motherfucking dreams.
You just tore down my motherfucking dreams.

I'll trade it for your Loomis. I don't own a seven string. I only posted it in your thread so YOU could see it. I'm not one of those people who derail peoples FS/FT posts XD

It does have a few dents and scratches, it's an old guitar. More pix upon resquest.

If that thing had a fixed bridge, I would have creamed myself.
I have an ESP M-II Deluxe, the vintage one. It has a tremol-no installed and is set up for 10's in standard. Real ESP before they changed factories and stuff:



I used to own the exact same guitar. Bought it off a dude back in my noob days. Sold it promptly. Thought the neck was too big. Pffft. I'd probably nut all over that nowadays. One of the nicest guitars I've ever played alongside most MusicMans I've ever played and an original Parker Fly Deluxe.
On that note, I owned an original Fly Deluxe. I ended up hating it. The neck was a dream, but since it was painted it was sticky. Also the body was too weird. Traded that mofo for my Dual Rec/Rack, BOOYA!

I think I'm keeping the ESP M-II. I played it for 5 hours tonight. I was inspired.