Mathew Cohen
Damnet -_-
What do you have?
I have a serious dislike for floyds... thats what I have.
Damnet -_-
What do you have?
If you're interested, I may want to trade or sell it. I have my eye on something else. I'm playing it right now and she's a beaut, I'll tell you. I'm just not a fan of Floyd Rose-esque trems (I have a tremol-no, as mentioned before, but I just have too many guitars (11 of them to be exact).
You just tore down my motherfucking dreams.
I just have too many guitars (11 of them to be exact).
I have an ESP M-II Deluxe, the vintage one. It has a tremol-no installed and is set up for 10's in standard. Real ESP before they changed factories and stuff: