Loomis signature schecter?


Welcome to forum, new guy. Get used to it!

Sorry im not a new guy i been here since i think 04 or 05 i lost all my info on my laptop when iy was jacked out of my car. I didnt have very many posts but i lerked in the shawdows for many years.
No not suprised at all but just irritated
and it was 2002 when i joined and the name was
Deviance and i dont know what email i used or what the password was
i lost all that info
*pats you on the back*

No harm no foul, buddy! Now go food up someone else's thread! Shit is fun!
I've noodled around on the Hellraiser 7 string, which is the basis of Jeff's model if I'm not mistaken. I hate Floyd's, and this one has the floating bridge (although the strings and fed in through the back of the body, so I'm not even sure if that style has a different name). I really like it. If I were to get a 7 string, that would the one. Best deal for the money and it plays real comfortable.

Isn't his neck a bolt on though? Much prefer through necks.
I love these guys i make a serious fuckin post and somebody gotta come and take a shit on it
" look at me im a attention whore im makeing a tater tot casserole"
i was asking a serious question and looking for a serious answer before i go drop a grand on another

It's cuz this forum is a fucking joke when it comes to anything Nevermore related, unfortunately. Except when people get attention from the band - like meet and greets and stuff. Then they get all serious and want attention and want to talk about the band. But that only lasts about 3 seconds.
I still say we should make a "Nevermore" sub-forum where anyone who only wants to talk about Nevermore can go crank each others dicks off all they want :)
Not really. People still get their answers. What would you rather happen? The thread fall behind every other nonsense thread, or to keep getting bumped by nonsense until someone with a legit answer shows up?