Yeah, that program was gay and lying, so I have done the inevitible, shut down the server all together. HA, fat fucking chance. 
I moved the videos and everything all into the FTP Home folder, instaid of puting windows shortcuts there.
I'm currently deleting a bunch of shit from my hardrive, to make space for all the LOVELY shit you guys upload
thank you.
I'm also defragmenting, but yeah, as soon as everything is done, the server will be up, and everyone should beable to work it.
Good luck suckas!

I moved the videos and everything all into the FTP Home folder, instaid of puting windows shortcuts there.
I'm currently deleting a bunch of shit from my hardrive, to make space for all the LOVELY shit you guys upload

I'm also defragmenting, but yeah, as soon as everything is done, the server will be up, and everyone should beable to work it.
Good luck suckas!