fuccckkkk I double booked the day!! (share your embarassing moments)


Apr 29, 2008
so I woke up this morning to realize I somehow wrote down the wrong dates (off by one day) for one band and booked another thinking the day was free! epic fail. feel like a dumbass.

share your embarassing studio ownership moments haha
I made an off-key remark about his hair colour after he told me to "fuck off" because I'd haphazardly pointed out that the reason that he wasnt getting any signal was that he'd forgot to turn the gain up. Go figure. Not the most professional of me it must be said but if someone sees fit to give me no respect then I'm not gonna be rolling over to give them some.

I wasnt even paying attention and he came round and threw a punch at me from behind when I wasnt looking, caught me in the back of the head, the sort of punch from someone who has never been in a serious fight before but just caught sand in his vagina one day and decided if he was going to snap I was the one to do it with. Of course I got up and had the default reaction to just grab him, but just as I was getting in his grill this big bruiser of a guy who was in the band we were supposed to be working with got there before me and told him to basically get the fuck out, he mysteriously disappeared for the rest of the day, leaving me to apologise to the band about the unprofessionalism of the situation.

Next time I saw the guy I basically got him in private and told him if he had a grievance with me he should air it in private and if something ever happened like that again I wouldn't stop short of laying him flat; he quickly saw fit to apologise profusely.
Öwen;9307752 said:
if something ever happened like that again I wouldn't stop short of laying him flat; he quickly saw fit to apologise profusely.

Combined with this post, your user title brought the lulz
Oh yeah, thats definitely meant to be ironic, a lot of people really dislike me, but then a lot of people can go fuck themselves :lol:
I think this happened a couple of times when I still lived at my parent's. My bedroom was basically my home studio..One day I lost the hour and was sleeping real hard, and someone knocked on the door. I stood up, opened the door, and bam, there was my client. The thing is, I was in underwear (luckly I didnt have a bonner) and my face was full of goo and swollen like a cadaver. It was a really embarassing moment.
I've never double booked but had a band show up at my place assuming I was free to go over their tunes one last time the night before mastering. I wasn't I was tracking another bands E.P and they'd to wait around till we were all finished.

Also had a guy I'd recorded before get onto me asking if I'd be interested in recording his bands next one. I said ya sure get back to me when you've got dates and I'll book it. No word back until weeks later I got a call saying he was at my place to start tracking could I leave him in. Nope 'fraid not buddy, you never got back to me about dates, this is the first I've heard of this since the initial phone call and I'm about 150 miles away in a different city with plans for the next few days. That was a weird one- I'm pretty good friends with the singer in that band and he said he'd not heard anything about it either, very strange!