FUCK BODOM R SOLD Out on 02/05/2003 at marquee

Nocturnal Emperor

Why so serious ?
Jun 8, 2002
Manchester United Kingdom
i cant belive it the one gig my parents let me travel down to london get fuckign sold out after like a week on sale this fuking sucks bodom are one of my favourite bands. does anyone know were i might still be able to get tickets. Any help would be eternally grateful
Wow! COB seem to be very popular in the UK. Maybe the show will take place in a bigger hall.
If not then you should be a rich man. I'm sure you can get some tickets on the black market but they won't be cheap.

I guess the only option is to go up there real early and pay loads for a ticket of a tout...still even they may sell out really quick..HOW SHIT

If I find anywhere with tix ill post it...you guys do the same
wait...how do you know they are sold out?where did you try?cos none of the places you usualy go for tickets even have it listed yet
only thing i found was at one website,might have been stargreen or wayahead,it said 'contact venue for tickets'.But I cant even find the number on the net or anything aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!

Just looked on the tours page, the other uk gig is in sheffield.boo.
If there's enough demand they may well upgrade it to the LA2 (Sorry, Mean Fiddler) or something like that. They must have realised it sold out quickly, so it'd be in their interest to play a bigger venue maybe? :/

Anyway, that's caught me by surprise, I was tinking about buying tickets, and only heard about it a few days ago ...
i got my ticket for london :D still cant believe it!!
but im currently in canada. i want the ticket in my hands!!
i hope the ticket office doesnt phone up "hi, sorry, there was a ordering problem and your ticket cannot be sent. we give a 100% refund"
i would really go mad if that happened. i would burn the ticket office even if they have insurance.
byes all