Seriously, you want security just go mac. I mean mac can do pretty much anything a PC can do but sleeker and nicer. I have an iphone and it can play movies. I don't know what the deal is with people who buy DVD/HDDVD/BluRay players. You have to go buy the disc, which is bigger than the iphone (that tells you how obsolete they are) and you have to manually insert it into the player. I'm not a manual laborer, I am an artist and I don't want to have to waste space on having a green-unfriendly post consumer waste Disc case plus the disc itself which I suspect isn't biodegradable and probably has carbs (I have a carbon footprint of 0 btw). I mean you get itunes and your iphone and you have your movies. Iphones do more for world peace and the environment than any ugly PC and obsolete technology. Al Gore has an Iphone and he won a nobel prize.