Fuck finals

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
I really, REALLY wanted to get drunk tonight, especially after Nicodemix's drunken rampage on the Nevermore forum, which was a thing of trolleriffic beauty. Add that to the random hilarity in my hall lobby tonight, and a White Russian and a couple shots of Gray Goose on the side woulda been just the ticket.

But NO. I have a fucking German final at noon, and I need to fucken study, to say nothing of my Politics final on Tuesday (which I have not studied for in the least) or my ten-page paper on the Antichrist complete with gallons of research which I have not done in the least.

Fuck this noise. Why must they suddenly pile all the work on at once after weeks of beautiful leisure? CUNTS.

Join me in cursing the hideous rape and desecration of our free time that they call finals.
You think having finals is bad? Try being the one who has to it there quietly for six hours, waiting for the students to finish. It's so excrutiatingly boring. Once, I tried to sneak in a discman, but a fellow teacher said I couldn't have it... I'm not cut out for this job... :( And now I really understand why we bring in all those old people to do this.
Crimson Velvet said:
You think having finals is bad? Try being the one who has to it there quietly for six hours, waiting for the students to finish. It's so excrutiatingly boring. Once, I tried to sneak in a discman, but a fellow teacher said I couldn't have it... I'm not cut out for this job... :( And now I really understand why we bring in all those old people to do this.

You sound like a cool professor... If I ever end up teaching, I want to be the teacher that kids talk about 20 years later saying "HE WAS THE MAN!"
Marksveld said:
You sound like a cool professor... If I ever end up teaching, I want to be the teacher that kids talk about 20 years later saying "HE WAS THE MAN!"

I wish I was a profesor... Hehe, thanks, man, now please tell that to my pupils...
I shit all over my finals. I passed each one with a margin of less then 4 wrong, beat that. I have one more, and I bet I miss NOTHING.
I hated having finals. I could never concentrate to study for them.

Erik said:
Nah, just kidding, I've sat around at home doing absolutely fuck-all since May. :) :) :)
Argh, that's what someone else I know has been doing for a long time too. I envy...

well, I don't. I'm making the $$ and bringing home the goodies... so :p
my ancient greek final I decided to stay up all night studying, taking methamphetamine to stay awake...I walked into the classroom ready to kick ass and when I read the questions I KNEW that I knew the answers, but my brain was so wired I could not recall them!!!

I got a D because I finally gave up and walked out of the class and went home.

Moral of the Story: Take Amphetamines Only When You Don't Have An Exam The Next Day.