Fuck finals

Demonspell said:
To sum up: Day is an excellent song, stressing over finals and believing you don't stand a chance of passing sucks harder than anything, knowing that you aced your last test and not having to memorize any useless knowledge for the next month (or ever if you're graduating) is the best feeling in the world.
I haven't heard "Day," but otherwise, double-you to the oh-are-dee, nigga.
My last final was for a class called Perspectives on Gender, taught by 3 professors (1 feminazi, 1 hippie, and 1 cool lady who said she loved the cock) and it really sucked. Not because I'm anti-woman or anything, but a lot of people were those "free thinker" types which meant they were closeminded toward anything but their own ideals, and how any form of masculinity was completely frowned upon by the general metro nature of dudes in there and then just for kicks a few über-christians were thrown into the mix talking about how the King James version was a DIRECT translation from "the Greek" (yes, she said GREEK) and blah blah blah blah.

Finished the final pretty quickly and sang I AM THE CHAMPION IIII AM THE CHAMPION NO TIME FOR LOSERS CUZ I AM THE CHAMPION in my head on the way out. :)
One Inch Man said:
You fuckers only dislike it because it's very non-metal. :p

Wasn't I the only one who didn't like it? And I'm not even a long-hair :|

My last final was for a class called Perspectives on Gender, taught by 3 professors (1 feminazi, 1 hippie, and 1 cool lady who said she loved the cock) and it really sucked.

Congrats Black winter, It was A, A, A, A-,and A- for me. I didnt have to take any exams, just take homes or research papers.
Shit, you kicked ass!!! :o Good work!

I'm actully a bit pissed about one of those B+'s. It was a British Lit class, a class I could have fuckin' taught, with an exam that I knew every answer for, in a class I had made 1 B in previously (the rest A's)... and I somehow end up with a fuckin' B+???? I'm going to get to the bottom of this when I get back. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if my professor had thrown the exams down a flight of steps and let the top-landers get A's... :mad:
I'll admit to being disappointed in getting Bs, but only when I thought it was the result of one or two stupid errors...I was devastated however when my goal of going through college without a single C or lower was brought down by an idiotic grading system.