Fuck finals

I never worried about finals or pulled any all nighters or any of that crap. Cramming and the other college final stereotypes were so obviously idiotic that I never tried. If you didn't know the material the night before the test it wasn't going to magically appear that next morning.

Of course, I was an uber-slacker throughout college, ditching class, sleeping in the library, spending considerable time at the university bar, etc. Still graduated with a B average though.
lizard said:
Once I made the mistake of going to Geology after taking some LSD. My Prof asked me how to spell Lake Winnepesaukee and I freaked out and left.
Hahahahahaha this rules.
One Inch Man said:
I never worried about finals or pulled any all nighters or any of that crap. Cramming and the other college final stereotypes were so obviously idiotic that I never tried. If you didn't know the material the night before the test it wasn't going to magically appear that next morning.
true. but at 18/19 I did not yet know that. or want to realize it.
One Inch Man said:
I never worried about finals or pulled any all nighters or any of that crap. Cramming and the other college final stereotypes were so obviously idiotic that I never tried. If you didn't know the material the night before the test it wasn't going to magically appear that next morning.
My main problem right now is writing a paper. As for studying, considering that I haven't even read my Politics textbook now seems like the right time to crack that sucker open.

Haven't slept. Not gonna until probably late this afternoon. Time to test out the miracles of caffeine.
Yeah I did that "never opened the book until the night before bit" a few times, those tests were always fun. Writing papers I always did my best if I procrastinated, but then a lot of essays involved countless hours of research and thought, so I had to take a few weeks on some instead of a few hours.

I remember I failed 2 tests in college. One was for Calculus 3, but it got curved so it ended up like a C or something. The other was for Constitutional Law, the hardest class I ever took with a professor that everyone hated (only because he was difficult, bunch of pansies). The grade in that class was determined by two written tests and one case brief, he loved my case brief and I guess I did well on the final because I got a B in that class.
You're all bitching about having to take tests within a 4 day span, after having all that leisure time all semester?

Wait till you're in the real world. I'd trade places with you any day. College was so fucking easy and fun.
earning money > paying or not earning money
not doing stuff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing stuff
I miss the lack of responsibility of college, definitely. Since I was working at this same job for the last few years of college (and also worked my way through high school elsewhere) the switch to the rat race wasn't so bad. I have a lot more responsibility here, but work full instead of part time.

What I love most about being done with school is the ability to read what I want, when I want, and sometimes not at all. :)
One Inch Man said:
What I love most about being done with school is the ability to read what I want, when I want, and sometimes not at all. :)
Same with me. I also had the impression a lot of schoolwork was pointless and it wasn't helping anyone. Here I get to help people and actually do something. Then relax at the end of the day... Loveliness.
J. said:
You're all bitching about having to take tests within a 4 day span, after having all that leisure time all semester?

Wait till you're in the real world. I'd trade places with you any day. College was so fucking easy and fun.

I wish that was the case :yell: I've spent the last month pulling 18 hour days just to get all my work in on time, as have most of the people in my year... Now I have 50 reviews to catch up on :(

That said, I did work for a year, and I found it far less enjoyable than going to college, so I'm not complaining :) Not as hard work, but nowhere near as fun :grin:
When I was in college, I set the standard for partying, and still graduated in 4 years with a 3.0 GPA. Because I couldn't get into my major until 2nd semester sophomore year, I had only 5 semesters to complete an entire major, which meant I had between 18-20 credits every single semester my junior & senior years. And I STILL partied my ass off.

Quit your fucking whining, you pansies.
Try law school exams, one three or four hour exam determines ones entire grade for the semester. Add that stress to the fact that one is being graded against the fucker who spend 20 hours a day in the library reading law cases for the semester, and the fact that only 5-8 A's are given out out of 75 people in a class; well then you got a shitty exam. I fucked up royally my first quarter by getting stoned and drunk every night, and not studying until the weekend before my first final. Now i am finishing grad school, and fuck I turn in like 175 pages a quarter- not a semester, a quarter.

ah actual test taking finals suck, who remembers what one studies anyway? I sure the fuck dont, I forget everything I just studied, and then start memorizing for the next final.

Exams are a dumb and ineffective way to go about learning if you ask me.