Fuck finals

markgugs said:
When I was in college, I set the standard for partying, and still graduated in 4 years with a 3.0 GPA. Because I couldn't get into my major until 2nd semester sophomore year, I had only 5 semesters to complete an entire major, which meant I had between 18-20 credits every single semester my junior & senior years. And I STILL partied my ass off.

Quit your fucking whining, you pansies.
I use the multiplication tables and broken English for work, but I'm immensely glad that I studied and learned what I did in college. Knowledge doesn't * to be practical to be beneficial.

EDIT: I have to stop typing so fucking fast, I skip words. *insert HAVE here
BWD yup
J yup

markgugs said:
I had only 5 semesters to complete an entire major, which meant I had between 18-20 credits every single semester my junior & senior years. And I STILL partied my ass off.

Quit your fucking whining, you pansies.
yup. I was a declared history major until the end of my last semester of my sophomore year. At the beginning of my junior year I switched to political science. my only advantage was that since my first college was an AA program, I already had all the necessary prerequisites out of the way for a BA.
kids today...pah... don't know youre born
should be sent down the mines for a couple of years from age 13-15 and made to dig for coal with a tea spoon
that'll learn em!

I didn't go to school much, prefered digging holes for beer money
I'm with NAD on this one maybe because I was a business major and much of the requirements there cover matters relevant to the workplace (not that I would know being currently unemployed), though it's a proven fact that throughout college your brains are burdened with a high degree of useless shit.
Hahah, so last night I was afraid of failing my politics class, cause I hadn't studied at all and had only done one of three papers. So I read through the book for a couple hours, wrote one of the papers, drank a shitload of coffee, blazed through the final, and convinced me teacher to accept the paper.

As on both papers, A on the final, B+ for the class. WIN!
Bleh, right now I have to spend a lot of time reading and writing about various reforms in modern swedish politics and it's so fantasticly boring that I usually end up making offensive drawings in my notebook instead. :erk:
deliverance said:
Crimson: what do you teach dude?

I teach english, norwegian, history, gymnasthics and a class called KRL, which is basilcally about different religions, cultures and ethniticities. I do a lot of temp worl also, though, where I teach everything from music to math.

EDIT: Day is great!
To sum up: Day is an excellent song, stressing over finals and believing you don't stand a chance of passing sucks harder than anything, knowing that you aced your last test and not having to memorize any useless knowledge for the next month (or ever if you're graduating) is the best feeling in the world.