Fuck, fuck, fuck


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
I was out of town this past week so I shut down my recording computer, like anyone would do. I powered it on this morning to just dick around with a couple things, it boots up while I take a piss, I come back in the room to smell burning, and see smoke coming out of the tower. I shut it off and unplugged it, but had to leave for work before I could really check it out. I'm hoping it was just the power supply crapping out and everything else is salvageable, but fuck I'm pissed.

And thinking about it now it's probably not the power supply, the smoke was coming from the front side of the case. DVD-ROM maybe. Hopefully. Damn it.

Sorry, needed to vent.
Power supply is the most likely thing, I had mine die about a year ago.

I'm an electronics tech for a living, and in my experience, about 80-90% of the time when sometimes dies or blows up, it's the power supply. Do you have another computer you can borrow one from to try to rule that out?

Hopefully it's not your main board or anything man.
I feel your pain. I went out of town for 3 days, turned my rig off. Had a song I was going to mix on Saturday, so I went and turned everything on. One of my monitors popped and no sound came out of it. Checked and double checked everything, nothing. It was still powering on though. I've taken it to my tech and it's something on the input that's broken. Hopefully get it back next week.

Fingers crossed yours is something simple!
Yeah, it always sucks when things unexpectedly break down. That initial "what the fuck" moment makes me sick to my stomach every time it happens. It sounds like yours wasn't too bad though, but I couldn't imagine being in Lasse's recent situation.
Did it smell like burning electronics in the first place? Everyone knows that smell, if it was anything else you can probably just assume you toasted some spiders :haha:
Did it smell like burning electronics in the first place? Everyone knows that smell, if it was anything else you can probably just assume you toasted some spiders :haha:

It did, which is why I didn't turn it on again until my tech buddy came over. Nothing was obviously burned so he told me to fire it up to see if anything happens. It booted up just fine, didn't smoke or smell like burning, and it's been on ever since. We were both left scratching our heads.