fuck jeff,why does Van wear a skirt?


dreaming mind

actually in some of the photos it looks like a fucking dress..wtf? does he do it just to shock? I think he looks stupid..good drummer though...but lose the skirt!!
Why do Scott's wear skirts instead of pants?

Because sheep can hear a zipper from a mile away!

HA HA HA HA HA! :lol:
That joke will never get old. It's good though, come on! No offense to Scott's though. I have lots of Scottish friends. My best friend is Scottish, too.

I love porn!
I've got a long black dress that occasionally comes out for a wear every now and again.

It's comfortable, and it looks killer... so why not? I'm comfortable with who I am...
[in his thickest Groundskeeper Willie brogue] It's not a skirrrrrrrrrt!"[/willie brogue]

Personally, I like my KILT. If only the Carmichael and Burton tartans didn't clash....
Tee said:
no, every now and then he needs some breeze and oxygen... :loco:
sounds logical to me. Personally, I feel circulation is good. Isn't that the sole motivation for wearing skirts and kilts? I own both, but only wear the skirt when fealiing pagany. The kilt is more for family stuff. (boy, did that not sound good...)
THere is a term for men like Van and David Beckham(sp?), men who where skirts, make-up etc. and still manage to be "stylish" and "manly"-metrosexuals-trend whores. They are really just fuckin queer, you know weird?