Fuck me, but I'm excited!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
After hearing the live mp3 of Eraser, I'm so frickin' stoked for the new Hypocrisy, but I shall not download it even though I know it would only take mere minutes to be able to here the new album!

Pardon my brief rant, I'm hammered. :)
What the hell is this!? I don't rememeber typing this last night!

Damn you Boddington's and your sweet sweet ale!!! :lol:
NAD said:
What the hell is this!? I don't rememeber typing this last night!

Damn you Boddington's and your sweet sweet ale!!! :lol:
You know, maybe I am just stoned, actually, yes, I am, very much so. But anyways, when reading the text of your post and looking at your avatar, I couldn't help but hear Galvatron's voice narrate your dictum. Fucking delightful!!!!!! 'Till all are one!
The Scourge said:
You know, maybe I am just stoned, actually, yes, I am, very much so. But anyways, when reading the text of your post and looking at your avatar, I couldn't help but hear Galvatron's voice narrate your dictum. Fucking delightful!!!!!! 'Till all are one!
You know that seeing your username in this very forum that night got me to search for pictures of various Transformers? So I thank you! :lol: By the way, I found a grip of avatar sized pics at http://www.seibertron.com

God damn I love booze. :grin: