Fuck my 5150, fuck my mesa, fuck it all.

Presence knob is too high. Too much gain from the amp, and not enough from the boost. Just move your mic. Remember how a cm can make a huge difference in the high end. Try a different speaker in the cabinet.

You'll be fine. You're the man.
Ryan I love your impulses but dude you are just WAY over gaining the amp thats where all that nastyz bzzzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz is coming from. Back down on the gain back off on the presence. What kind of tubes are you running? What cab is it?
sounds worse IMO

Ryan, back off the highs and dont put presence over 8.
Mids on 2.
Lows on 6

Put the mic 2inch away from the grill and 1inch (left/right) of the con.

Maybe that help


The original clip has a really wierd peak around 3khz that probably needs to be cut for it to sound natural and sit well in a mix, I probably cut a little too much. Low-pass around 10khz and high-pass around 60hz woulden't hurt either.

I agree with what others here says about backing off the gain a little. Also, one 57 one inch from the grill pointing on-axis at the "ring" where the cone meets the dustcap usually works best. Also remember to try all four speakers if it is a 4x12 cab.
If the amps are giving you grief, just go digital.

I've seen a couple of your posts today about blowing off mic'd amps. Are you serious? I've been actually considering it because I get wayyyyy better tones with digital stuff than my mesa lately.
Hey man, I know what you mean. I have a 5150 that has this nasty ass fizzy sound on top of everything and it sounds like shit. Even if I turn the bass and resonance all the way up and the mid, treble and presence all the way down I can still hear it. Your clip sounds similar... it is a clip of the 5150 right?

Yeah dude, exactly what i hear now

Flame me for suggesting such heresy but why not just change your normal mic positioning and EQ .
Recently I chose to ignore the standard method of on axis or edge of dust cap and set the mic up right on the outer edge with a single 57 just before where cone flexes against the speaker rim .
A/B against some of my fav albums and not far off tone wise .
Even though it was yesterday that I heard the clip, I can say, something is not right at all. I would say something is wrong, probably tubes, but who knows. With those settings, mic and mic position with that amp and cab setup there should be no way the tone should sound like that.
Flame me for suggesting such heresy but why not just change your normal mic positioning and EQ .
Recently I chose to ignore the standard method of on axis or edge of dust cap and set the mic up right on the outer edge with a single 57 just before where cone flexes against the speaker rim .
A/B against some of my fav albums and not far off tone wise .

I can hear it just playing the amp in the room, no mic. As I said, with no boost, moderate gain levels, the bass and resonance cranked , and the treble, mids and presence at 0 there is a distinct and loud buzzing sound on top of everything. Is this normal?