Fuck, my Pod just broke :(

One minute it was playing at practice,
the next minute it was silent.
It no longer accepts any input and my computer won't even pick it up.
Sucks cause I did literally nothing to break it.
and I was supposed to record a band tomorrow, and my band's cd next month.
So now I have to rush to scrape up enough cash to buy another one by October.
The Line 6 Service Center was going to charge me about $350 to fix it up,
but I can just buy a new one on Craigslist for cheaper.
Looks like the Profire 2626 is gonna have to wait :/
Wow, that's expensive dude, to fix it... that sucks, it allways sucks when gear breaks, especially when it's all of a sudden....
I'd say screw the POD and buy the Profire. You can always record the guitars with software monitoring, and it has defo better pre's for picking the vocals. Later when father dollar drops you a visit you'll buy a XT or another X3.
I'd say screw the POD and buy the Profire. You can always record the guitars with software monitoring, and it has defo better pre's for picking the vocals. Later when father dollar drops you a visit you'll buy a XT or another X3.

I was actually just thinking about that.
I just downloaded the free Podfarm, and for whatever reason all of my expansions are unlocked with the iLok too.
So I could just buy the profire now, use podfarm instead of gearbox
and then buy a Pod X3 Live next month or so, since my band is taking a break right now to record our cd, so I won't need it for live shows.

So does it start up at all? Those power supplies are prone to failure...

It starts up and LOOKS like it works normally
but when I plugin nothing comes out.
When I go to the tuner it stays at B
and when I run safe mode and test the hardware, the SDRAM fails.
sorry for your loss, but i guess that REALLY makes you Sean in Silence now then? ;)

that it does.

Well lucky for me,
I ran Pod Farm last night and EVERYTHING was unlocked :)
So all of the expansions I originally had on my Pod X3 Live are working :D
So I'm definitely going to be picking up the profire 2626 pretty soon.
I'll just have to buy another Pod next month or something :/
Still kinda sucks though:/
wait i bought the metal pack along time ago how the fuck do i get it to work with pod farm?

My thoughts exactly! I bought all the model packs for the PODXT and I'd LOVE to somehow get all of that onto the free Podfarm like Sean in Silence apparently did.

EDIT: Nevermind just checked the Line 6 site again. Apparently, if you download Podfarm for the iLok you only get the base pack, but if you download and use your Line6 hardware as the dongle, you get all the amps and effects you have on the hardware.
I wish I had the setup to mic anything:/
That's why I was saving up for the Profire 2626.
The only interface I have right now is my Pod X3 Live, and I ran bass, vocals, and guitars through it.

The free Podfarm won't have the metal expansion, will it?

I bought a used Toneport and registered it at the Line 6 website. After I installed the Line 6 Monkey app, I noticed I had the Metal Expansion Pack and the FX Expansion Pack activated (I didn't purchase either of those). Maybe the previous owner had purchased a copy - I'm not sure, and I don't know how the upgrade system works i.e whether the upgrades are physically copied into the hardware itself or what, but you can give it a try.

Anyway, sorry to hear about your POD. I also have a POD II which goes on the blink every so often. A couple of really good hits on the table usually puts it right though... I think there's a bad solder joint in there somewhere.