Fuck Novotel !!!


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz
stayed at the Novotel Saturday Night.

Check in, swiped card, just like normal. checked out, just like normal.

Go to the bank, and I'm down a shitload on where I thought I'd be.

Checked on line, and there's a yet to be cleared $284 to Novotel....AND a yet to be cleared $334 to Novotel.

Ring them, and they tell me that the security swipe as you book in is sent to the bank, plus $50 for minibar etc. Then when you check out, they bill you, and after the room is cleared the bank is notified to release the original security...it might take a few days for it all to clear.

Luckily there was enough in my account for them to bill me twice (imagine the fun of trying to check out, and having insufficient funds because they are already holding it in reserve).
Wait - is the $284 inclusive of deposit PLUS minibar? Why didn't they then bill you for the balance of the room charge (providing you didn't use any minibar stuff, but you're not an idiot so I assume not!) instead of billing the full room charge and crediting (eventually) the deposit+bar?

Fucking Novotel!! FUCKING CUNTS!!! *shares Shannow's immense rage*
And I've never heard of being charged for the minibar before you even get to the room. My minibar was empty (I like to have a look inside and see if a bottle of water has cracked the $10 barrier yet) so they sure as hell better not have charged me for that.

*shakes fist*
Hmmm... Sounds like they charge you in advance and then reimburse you if you don't use anything. I stayed at an Accor place once and got a mysterious charge on my bill (it was a free stay for going to one of their sales nights). Turns out that's what it was. About a week later, the money was back.
Yeah, it's probably on the piece of paper they got me to sign when I handed over my credit card. Pfft, who reads stuff they have to sign? Not me!
It's pretty standard, actually. You know when you buy petrol and you can swipe your card at the pump before you fill up? They do the same thing to the tune of about $80. And there are a whole heap of places that will do a "pre-authorisation" (as this process is called) of around $1. It's less obvious with a credit card because reversed pre-auths don't show up on statements, but it's a very common practice.

Obviously it's to stop fraud and people skipping out early in the morning.

If you're going to fuck Novotel, you might as well fuck the entire travel industry and related industries.
I've stayed in shitloads of hotels, but they're never upmarket enough to warrant putting charges on like that. :)

One thing I've always thought of is consuming minibar stuff, but replacing it with something from the bottle shop before leaving.
It's useful, however, if you turn up with warm beer prior to a gig and swap it for coldies.

A mate let me onto the secret.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Turn up to a place in Wycheproof or somewhere after a four hour drive, pining for a beer. Grab one from the fridge, then go down the bottle shop that evening.
generally they don't actully charge your account they place a hold on funds for 3 to 4 business days and then the hold disappears .... but its a cunt when you only have say $350 in your acount and they hold $340 you are fuked...