Fuck the no digital camera rule.....

I would agree on both sides. Bootlegging is bootlegging and it is going to happen no matter what they come up with.

I have tried to get a gold badge since I first found out about the fest...to no avail. Don't really care anymore. I think some of this really has gone to someones head (corp. master!). I think that he has a great thing but I also think he has a fucking ego the size of Texas and I know enough about this line of thinking to understand that you better watch your back at all times.

What do they call it... Karma...

Whatever... Ask Darktide about his extra cash that he put out last fest and ask him what it got him. Nothing. I would had someones head if I woulda shelled out even more cash and then get treated like a second class citizen.

Oh yeah, Bryant. It isn't the nicest thing to tell someone to fuck off... LOL. But it is pretty much the truth, isn't it.

The whole thing reminds me of when I was a kid and the next door kid got a new toy and didn't want anyone playing with it... in the end he sat on his back step by himself, "enjoying" the new toy...
Narcosynthesys68 said:
I would agree on both sides. Bootlegging is bootlegging and it is going to happen no matter what they come up with.

I have tried to get a gold badge since I first found out about the fest...to no avail.

You can have mine !!! Obviously Glenn cares more about what a bootlegger does than a fan who has been here since PPII.

Sorry Bryant, I don't want a gold badge. To me that just puts me in the same position as the Corporate Master. Don't wanna be that way. Better things to do if you know what I am saying.

Is this anything like the "good ole' boys club"?
Bryant...in my opinion, you've always been on the more enlightened attendees to the festival (and in the forum)...

I've got to ask...

Where's the attitude coming from? Other than the camera ban, what inspired the anti-Glenn, anti-PPUSA stance from you?

Sincerely...just wondering what's going on?

Rock on!
I don't know if you saw but Glenn put this...

"Btw, if any of you wish to pass this info on to Bryant (if he is not lurking), feel free to. I have no personal vendetta against the guy. I'm not asking for asskissing or anything like that. A simple apology for the "fuck you" and understanding that I will not tolerate it in the future will suffice.

Glenn H."
ashaman7122 said:
Bryant...in my opinion, you've always been on the more enlightened attendees to the festival (and in the forum)...

I've got to ask...

Where's the attitude coming from? Other than the camera ban, what inspired the anti-Glenn, anti-PPUSA stance from you?

Sincerely...just wondering what's going on?

Rock on!

I was having a really bad day. I won't go into any details, but I was looking for some authority figure to lay into I suppose. Glenn happened to be the unlucky soul I chose. I am embarrassed about my approach as well as the cursing and name calling, though I am a bit upset about the ban on the digital cameras..... could be worse though. Many places don't allow cameras at all, so I should take that more into consideration. The post was totally out of character for me, and of course I don't want to be banned..... so I suppose I will try and make amends.

Bryant said:
I was having a really bad day. I won't go into any details, but I was looking for some authority figure to lay into I suppose. Glenn happened to be the unlucky soul I chose. I am embarrassed about my approach as well as the cursing and name calling, though I am a bit upset about the ban on the digital cameras..... could be worse though. Many places don't allow cameras at all, so I should take that more into consideration. The post was totally out of character for me, and of course I don't want to be banned..... so I suppose I will try and make amends.

You know, I've been wondering the same thing since I saw that post like five minutes after it was made. I think we've briefly met at various PPs, Bryant, but I can't say thatI know you all that well other than your posts. I was completely shocked when I read that! It seemed out of character for you and I even thought "this guy must be having a really bad day." I'm glad to see I was right because you really seem like a cool guy.

And even though I personally don't carry around a camera, I hate the ban! Not so much that people need to take subpar pictures of these bands they are seeing, but more the personal interaction that occurs outside the concert hall iteself. Where we all see each other for the first time in a year (or years), where we run into various members of the bands, and where a great of socialization occurs. It deeply saddens me that a couple of assholes have to always ruin things for many -- but isn't that how it always works?

While I hate the ban, I also can see Glenn's side of it. OK, there are some bands who get really weird about bootlegs (we aren't one of those) and they won't play if they feel the integrity of the event's security is at question. Technology is ever rapidly evolving and fighting it is really a losing battle. This all makes it difficult to come up with a solution that doesn't suck for someone. Other than increasing security's vigilance in the concert hall (and that certainly isn't foolproof), I can't really think of a great solution.

However, perhaps seeing as how people are so PO'ed about this, Glenn could probably allow digitial cameras again and people are more likely to report bootleggers than ever before in fear of losing this privilege again!

Why do people always f**k things up for the rest of us?!?!?!

It would appear that Glenn is open to making amends. I hope that the two of you can make peace and move on with life! Life is too short to be consumed by stuff ike this (even though it does suck).

I hope you are having a better day today. :)

Take care!