Fuck you, religious America.

big baddaboom

I'm starting to think that I'm the only one who caught on to this.

I didn't really mean to imply that I think we're in a doomsday race. I mean I think it would behoove mankind as a whole to make better use of the things we have and know here instead of chasing pipe dreams and assuming it will all pay off in the end.

I ask again, does it REALLY matter to us what's out there beyond our earth? We've got our place in the universe right here, and we can't even properly take care of that.

It's true, we can't take care of our own planet. Though, knowing what's habitable beyond our planet really seems to have two sides. The first side seems to be finding somewhere we could possibly migrate to should we (more like 'when') gobble up all of our resources. The second side (the side I tend to lean toward) is curiosity. I've always been fascinated by astronomy. I personally would like to know where the next habitat lies, how many dimensions there are, parallel universes, time travel/space-time bending etc.

I'm all for what CERN is doing with the LHC and have been following it for over two years now. The universe is a vast space of knowledge and if I could know and understand everything there is to it, I feel that I would be pretty content with this life.
Besides, how awesome would it be to, instead of commuting into the city for your monotonous day job, you hop on a public shuttle to Mars where you work in an office with an awesome view of the red desert, that you would see if you didn't work in a cubicle!
Shit, even WE got nukes! Our good buddy Uncle Sam left 'em here in case Juri Stalinsky or Hong-Chong Poo-Poo unleashes the f00ry...

But some states just plain shouldn't have any nukes at all for the sake of all our safety and sanity...

... I'm obviously talking about France here!
I don't think any country has to worry about France.

Giving their "record" - yeah, you're right...

But you wouldn't hand over a loaded, unlocked gun to a retard? Would you?

I simply don't trust smelly people who speak in weird tongues.. Be it Abdullah Al Goatfuck, Ling-Ling Commie-Chow or Pierre St. Camenbert.. all the same!

Whoa dude, when did this happen? I remember you telling me something about getting out of the states and asking about Italy, but I didn't know you moved to London. How is it?

London is sick, man...this is the third time I've lived here but this time it's for good. I got here like a week ago. It's the most cosmopolitan city in the world...a cultural amalgam of epic proportions. The european women who live here are soooo beautiful. everyone dresses well and most have class, which is something just about every american girl knows nothing about. people read here, and are simply just more informed and care about the world and its affairs (something attributed to all europe) much more than americans. as you can see, it is just very conducive to my preferences in life. i love a lot about america so it isnt a direct attack on it, but anyone who has lived in another country knows that it's the truth.

anyways, if you've never been here, it's highly, highly recommended.

and i get to practice my italian as well....sono agitato!!

London is sick, man...this is the third time I've lived here but this time it's for good. I got here like a week ago. It's the most cosmopolitan city in the world...a cultural amalgam of epic proportions. The european women who live here are soooo beautiful. everyone dresses well and most have class, which is something just about every american girl knows nothing about. people read here, and are simply just more informed and care about the world and its affairs (something attributed to all europe) much more than americans. as you can see, it is just very conducive to my preferences in life. i love a lot about america so it isnt a direct attack on it, but anyone who has lived in another country knows that it's the truth.

anyways, if you've never been here, it's highly, highly recommended.

and i get to practice my italian as well....sono agitato!!


I lived all over the world, and while I agree with you that London is absolutely fantastic (it is my no.1 favorite city!) I think it also depends on where in the US you have lived... to say "most American girls don't have class" may be true, but the US is so huge...
In my area of DC I can tell you I see more European traits that I have seen in other places, and it's because it's a very diverse area.. but you can find "class" and elegance everywhere... Maybe in the UK you see it more (although, some people would probably laugh their asses off to hear you say there is 'class' in London...)
Ma non devi essere agitato! Stai tranquillo! Vieni a vederci quando vuoi...e' solo 100 euro per un volo.

Yep, you pretty much nailed it on the head right there. It's very difficult to describe what life is like in Europe compared to America without sounding conceited or offending Americans, but it's just the truth. I know where you're coming from and I'm completely in agreeance, especially when it comes to the females. I do miss some things about the states, but mainly really small things that have no direct bearing on my life. Shit like 24 hour convenience stores...stupid stuff like that.

BTW, what are you doing for a living in London? It must've been a pretty big career move financially to be able to do it.
I lived all over the world, and while I agree with you that London is absolutely fantastic (it is my no.1 favorite city!) I think it also depends on where in the US you have lived... to say "most American girls don't have class" may be true, but the US is so huge...
In my area of DC I can tell you I see more European traits that I have seen in other places, and it's because it's a very diverse area.. but you can find "class" and elegance everywhere... Maybe in the UK you see it more (although, some people would probably laugh their asses off to hear you say there is 'class' in London...)

I completely agree with you...the problem is, what if I don't want to live in D.C. or San Francisco (assuming that SF is similar in mindset to Europe, as I've never been there)? You're completely right that there are places in the US that seem apart from the US but they are few and far between.

To me, it just seems like you can move anywhere you want in Europe and still lead a very fulfilling, cultured, and classy lifestyle no matter what income you rake in every year. And THAT is the difference between the US and Europe; in the US you must buy style and class, whereas you can be somewhat poor in Europe and still lead a very cultured and fulfilling lifestyle.

Just my objective point of view, not wanting to rile anyone up or offend.