Violator of Sheep
big baddaboom
I'm starting to think that I'm the only one who caught on to this.
I didn't really mean to imply that I think we're in a doomsday race. I mean I think it would behoove mankind as a whole to make better use of the things we have and know here instead of chasing pipe dreams and assuming it will all pay off in the end.
I ask again, does it REALLY matter to us what's out there beyond our earth? We've got our place in the universe right here, and we can't even properly take care of that.
It's true, we can't take care of our own planet. Though, knowing what's habitable beyond our planet really seems to have two sides. The first side seems to be finding somewhere we could possibly migrate to should we (more like 'when') gobble up all of our resources. The second side (the side I tend to lean toward) is curiosity. I've always been fascinated by astronomy. I personally would like to know where the next habitat lies, how many dimensions there are, parallel universes, time travel/space-time bending etc.
I'm all for what CERN is doing with the LHC and have been following it for over two years now. The universe is a vast space of knowledge and if I could know and understand everything there is to it, I feel that I would be pretty content with this life.