Fuck you, religious America.

I hope to visit Japan and Australia when im in korea...hopefully I can get stationed in Europe one day, still have a plan to spend a few weeks during the next World Cup(after South Africa) or Euro cup :lol:
I lived all over the world, and while I agree with you that London is absolutely fantastic (it is my no.1 favorite city!) I think it also depends on where in the US you have lived... to say "most American girls don't have class" may be true, but the US is so huge...
In my area of DC I can tell you I see more European traits that I have seen in other places, and it's because it's a very diverse area.. but you can find "class" and elegance everywhere... Maybe in the UK you see it more (although, some people would probably laugh their asses off to hear you say there is 'class' in London...)

Most american girls dont have class. Sorry, if I offend you...perhaps youre a classy girl :-)

Ive lived on both east and west coasts for prolonged periods of time. Clearly east coast americans have a one up on anyone else in the country, intellectually. The women in america who have class tend to be immigrants, too, if you havent noticed. The point I am making is the "average" amerian woman does not have as much class or sophistication as a european woman. perhaps this is due to the obvious fact that europeans are directly exposed to other nations since their borders are the only separation and we americans have two gigantic oceans blocking us from any direct contact. because lets face it, again, the "average" american doesnt care about canada or south america. It's true...believe me it's been studied. our cultural ignorance is amazing.

and no, most londoners I have spoken with absolutely agree with me about the level of class and sophistication of london and europe as a whole vs the usa.

like you say, we're geographically enormous and surrounded by two bodies of water that prohibit us from interacting with other cultures so one could argue it isnt really our fault (although i dont agree).

I love things about america, but quite honestly, european lifestyle with its emphasis on family, culture, social wellness and just enjoying life rather than working 60 hours a week in a cube absolutely destroys american life.
It's a teensy bit arrogant to call Americans ignorant for never having left their borders. We have the same approximate area of all European countries combined. What percentage of Europeans have left the continent entirely?

Great point, but every July/August millions of Europeans travel across the globe on vacation...usually for several weeks at a time.

I always tell everyone who asks, however, that it's just so damn hard for Americans to travel outside of North America because it's so expensive due to the massive scale of the US.
That's en vogue right now. Americans are the scapegoat for everything bad because we have a particularly vocal, particularly ignorant religious minority, who unfortunately are also allowed to stop up anything resembling progressive politics.

No, that was en vogue 5 years ago. People have moved on and there isn't the anti-Americanism anymore like there was during the height of the war. And for the record, there was never anything against American people, just the government's policies during the Bush Administration. If anything, the US is now the darling of the world community because of Obama's election.

What's en vogue now is hypersensitivity by Americans due to the past anti-Americanism to the point that any criticism towards Americans is met with a vehement "NO YUO!!!" or "STFU or we'll bomb your asses too you buncha commies!!!!!". To be fair, although it's a retarded and immature response, you can't really blame them for feeling that way.
...btw with all honesty: I don't know many people (Americans) who haven't bee to Europe/ Asia/ Australia at least once before..
people around here travel all the time, and are extremely cultural. It depends where in the US you are... but most places and people
here are not a living cliche as most people would think...

I think the stigma of the 'dumb American' goes both ways to Europeans who never been to the US and think that every American
is a Jerry-Springer character.. ignorance can go both ways

Karen, with all due respect, you've led a pretty exotic, extremely cultured and well-off life. The people you know are most probably as fortunate as you were growing up. You also have to remember that you live in/near the nation's capital...that says a lot right there. I don't know your friends, but I'd venture to say that if they're your friends, they're probably not the average American.

Sure there are stupid people everywhere, but let's define stupid or ignorant. The European community, while not a "real" union like the US, is still much more aware of the world around them than the average American...and I'm speaking of average Europeans.

Many Europeans don't know anything about the US except for what they've been told, and what they've been told is that the streets are paved with gold. When they go visit, while they're impressed by the speed and convenience and organization of American life, they're most definitely not impressed with the American lifestyle. They realize that it's so big that they would have to see the entire country to understand, but to be honest, as you said, it's not THAT different.

I think you have to look at it through the eyes of people who haven't been as fortunate as you.
No, that was en vogue 5 years ago. People have moved on and there isn't the anti-Americanism anymore like there was during the height of the war. And for the record, there was never anything against American people, just the government's policies during the Bush Administration. If anything, the US is now the darling of the world community because of Obama's election.

What's en vogue now is hypersensitivity by Americans due to the past anti-Americanism to the point that any criticism towards Americans is met with a vehement "NO YUO!!!" or "STFU or we'll bomb your asses too you buncha commies!!!!!". To be fair, although it's a retarded and immature response, you can't really blame them for feeling that way.

Bull. It's not in the past. It's just changed focus to different aspects of the same retarded anti-American BS. I'll allow that it's calmed down a bit *recently* but that's only because Obama got elected, and compared to the last whackjob *anyone* would seem like a superman.
Most american girls dont have class. Sorry, if I offend you...perhaps youre a classy girl :-)

Ive lived on both east and west coasts for prolonged periods of time. Clearly east coast americans have a one up on anyone else in the country, intellectually. The women in america who have class tend to be immigrants, too, if you havent noticed. The point I am making is the "average" amerian woman does not have as much class or sophistication as a european woman. perhaps this is due to the obvious fact that europeans are directly exposed to other nations since their borders are the only separation and we americans have two gigantic oceans blocking us from any direct contact. because lets face it, again, the "average" american doesnt care about canada or south america. It's true...believe me it's been studied. our cultural ignorance is amazing.

and no, most londoners I have spoken with absolutely agree with me about the level of class and sophistication of london and europe as a whole vs the usa.

like you say, we're geographically enormous and surrounded by two bodies of water that prohibit us from interacting with other cultures so one could argue it isnt really our fault (although i dont agree).

I love things about america, but quite honestly, european lifestyle with its emphasis on family, culture, social wellness and just enjoying life rather than working 60 hours a week in a cube absolutely destroys american life.

Wow just so many great posts...sorry for the quintuple post but I gotta agree with you here.

I am hesitant to say American "women" because I'm mainly talking about American young adults...our generation and the one after us. I've thought long and hard about this and this is my hypothesis:

I don't think it's a question of class in and of itself. It's more of a question of the behavior of females in the US. OF COURSE this is not broad-brushing anyone, but I've noticed since I've been here and travelling back and forth between here and the states and meeting American tourists while I'm over here that American girls tend to be so completely self-centered and self-absorbed that they tend to think that the world revolves around them. But not necessarily in a conceited sense. I'm not going to say that no females here are like that but it definitely seems to be a minority.

It seems like their goal in life is to do something so they can tell their friends about it and show it off, whether it be traveling to other countries, their significant others, getting married, etc. There seems to be a sort of competition between them and everyone else that gives this "Hey look at me!!! I'm special!!!" vibe.

If you're French, Italian, German, Spanish, Scandinavian, etc., you can get into an American girl's pants just by saying hello. You can fill their head full of complete bullshit and they don't even care if it's true or not, they'll fuck you so they can tell all their friends they had a romance with some European stud, when in all honesty he's just some Eurotrash guy who still lives with his mother. Again, I'm mainly talking about college girls, as not all American girls are like this. But many, many, many American girls are just interested in superfluous bullshit so they can be the center of attention.

Whoa...I completely understand if it's tl;dr. Sorry.
Bull. It's not in the past. It's just changed focus to different aspects of the same retarded anti-American BS. I'll allow that it's calmed down a bit *recently* but that's only because Obama got elected, and compared to the last whackjob *anyone* would seem like a superman.

Really? When was the last time you lived here? There really isn't any anti-Americanism, tbh. People make fun of us and tease us about our weird lifestyle but that's as far as it goes. Anti-Americanism pales in comparison to the anti-immigration in Europe at the moment.

Americans need to realize that criticism =/= anti-Americanism.
I think countries should be more anti-immigrant. Look where it got France and the Dutch. Damned Muslims.
Oh, knock it off with the ad hominem. I don't need to live there in order to make a point, just as you can't speak for every European, you can't expect that your friends in Italy do any more than jibe you good-naturedly, but that doesn't speak for the broader sentiment, and (in some cases foreign policy).
Oh, knock it off with the ad hominem. I don't need to live there in order to make a point, just as you can't speak for every European, you can't expect that your friends in Italy do any more than jibe you good-naturedly, but that doesn't speak for the broader sentiment, and (in some cases foreign policy).

Um, YES YOU DO NEED TO LIVE HERE if you're going to spout off about the proclivities of Europeans.

I've worked with many people from all over Europe and I can tell you that there is no deep-seated hatred towards Americans on some mass scale here, no matter how paranoid you may be. I'm not going to say it's non-existent, but the few who actually are anti-American are absolute retards and aren't taken seriously by the rest of the populace. They're usually communists who people here can't stand anyway.

The American business model is highly sought after by Europeans, especially in Italy.

If you're going to bring foreign policy into it, can you give examples? Aside from France and Germany's unwillingness to join the "coalition of the willing" in Iraq (can't really blame them), there is no hostile foreign policy towards the US...ESPECIALLY IN EASTERN EUROPE. I've seen it from a military point of view and a civilian point of view.
Um, YES YOU DO NEED TO LIVE HERE if you're going to spout off about the proclivities of Europeans.

I've worked with many people from all over Europe and I can tell you that there is no deep-seated hatred towards Americans on some mass scale here, no matter how paranoid you may be. I'm not going to say it's non-existent, but the few who actually are anti-American are absolute retards and aren't taken seriously by the rest of the populace. They're usually communists who people here can't stand anyway.

No. I don't need to live there.

I read EUROPEAN NEWSPAPERS. I watch EUROPEAN NEWS. I am a fucking journalist. I do not need to live there to make a POINT about an ISSUE, when their own representatives (their NEWS MEDIA) are saying that this is how they feel.

In any case. I was just trolling today. Didn't get my daily dose of french fries and daytime talk shows.
No. I don't need to live there.

I read EUROPEAN NEWSPAPERS. I watch EUROPEAN NEWS. I am a fucking journalist. I do not need to live there to make a POINT about an ISSUE, when their own representatives (their NEWS MEDIA) are saying that this is how they feel.

In any case. I was just trolling today. Didn't get my daily dose of french fries and daytime talk shows.

Yes, because European media is *SUCH* an accurate representation of its people, much like Fox News!