

outdoor type
Amon Amarth was suppose to play here tonight. I'm still bitter about the whole thing. So I went to see The Hauntd tonight and what a dissapointment that was. I guess it doesn't help that I was never into them. At least I did my thing to support the scene or at least Kataklysm that was opening up for them (don't need scene full of bans like The Haunted and bunch of bowld headed mother effers jumping up and down to them like idiots.)
i was gonna go to see skinless and kataklysm but i got no money at the moment.... i always thought haunted sucks too... atg kicked much more ass!!
they didnt play any at the gates songs did they?
I think Slaughter of the Soul was the only real good ATG album and even that one I didn't like too much. Now call me a blasphemer.
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thats cool... either you like em or you hate them, theres no in between... and terminal spirit disease was far better then slaughter if you ask me... either way haunted still sucks!
The Haunted are boring, well I don't like 'em very much...all these dudes labelled neo-thrash or whatever (you know, Terror 2000, Darkane, Dew-Scented, Carnal Forge) can't live up to the old, true bands. We'll never see a "Bonded by Blood" again, that's for sure :(
A bunch of my friends went to the The Haunted here in Tampa and they felt like it was kindergarten show. I think it was due to the opening band touring with the haunted that sounded liKe a bunch of hippie lovie barney club metal posers wannabees. I look at kids (14/15 years old) and I look at all I was 10/12 years ago and really feel proud to call myself a true metalhead because if kids today call themselves metal because they saw slipknot or limshizit then what the hell is metal gonna be 20 years from now.