Fuckheads on the metal scene

Hmmm, makes me realise that Melbourne has it good.

If this sort of shit ever happened to the Tote or the Arthouse I'd go bloody spastic.

Heh, soon pubs might have to remove the toilets and install squat-holes like they have in Asian countries.
sure you bleeding well would smash a venue... :Smug: :yuk:
dont those jerks have anything better to do with their meaning less time?
i mean they could be enjoying the music!!!!!! thats why they should have fucking well been there for!

p.s - i will hail the butterfly effect when they have an all ages gig in brizzy! :worship:
Apolyom-Todd said:
Yeah there is a way to stop it, it's called a shotgun
:tickled: Nice bit of input there. Are you going to do the shooting? And is Neon Pimp really going to kick the arses of the perpetrators of these anti-social crimes? I's don't think so...

Still, it's a very worrying thing. Fortunately I haven't witnessed anything like that at the gigs I attend in Melbourne, but I bet it does go on. Perhaps more secrurity at these gigs is needed. I can't remember hardly any security being all that obvious at the shows I've been too. That costs money though...
requiem said:
:tickled: Nice bit of input there. Are you going to do the shooting? And is Neon Pimp really going to kick the arses of the perpetrators of these anti-social crimes? I's don't think so...
Mate, I's get paid to stop people from damaging the RockApe and I's take my's job very seriously, even to the point of beating the living shit outta anyone who truly deserves it.
I's been doing security work on & off since 1998, mainly in brothels, stripjoints and bondage clubs, so I's pretty much and seen the worse that can happen to people and can stand my's own in a fight.
Those who know I in the flesh know I's ain't the biggest bloke around (far from it) but most of them know I've got what it takes to be a bouncer, but I's prefer to take the passive line and get the trouble maker out rather than cave their skull in for some stupid reason. 'Cause, as anyone who's ever been in a real pub fight knows, who don't know who or where their mates are or how badly things could get out of hand if you want to make things "physical".
The general policy I's live by is: don't go out of your way to make trouble and everything shall be fine, but always be ready to protect who and what's your's with everything that you have -even you life.
So, Requiem, you can comment that what The Pimp says are merely words, but I's have "been there & done that" as they say and, with more than 6 years in (& out) of the industry, I's have seen a lot of "There" & "That".
The Pimp NeonBlack
KoichCPA said:
He actually might, and if he does get beaten, he has a lot of backup on the matter.
Thank you, Koich.
The Canberra metal scene is very protective of their own, as well are the RockApe regulars and current staff. You cannot fight one without fighting the rest.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Hey. What's wrong with notherealm? I'll beat you up with a toiletbowl koich.

But yeah.. fucking vandalism.. It makes as much sense to me as smoking and christians! But I just generally keep to myself at gigs.. But if I caught some fag smashing toilets, or something, they'd leave with a large shard of ceramic protruding from their head.