fucking angry music

Doomcifer said:
Well, you dont need to be a metal fan. GTFO.
It's just completely unnecessary, that's all. And yes, no one needs to be a metal fan, you either are or aren't.
Doomcifer said:
:rolleyes: Keep sucking up to the females on the forum.
I will thanks. Not only are they more pleasant to look at, but they generally have more to say than "M3TAL RULZ!!! I HATE JESUS!!! CUNT! KILL!! SATAN!"
Just for good measure

PanzerKunt said:
Being offended is un-metal.
Well... it's not shocking to me... hell I've got every Cannibal Corpse album, I've heard worse... it's just fucking retarded.
Thoth-Amon said:
I will thanks. Not only are they more pleasant to look at, but they generally have more to say than "M3TAL RULZ!!! I HATE JESUS!!! CUNT! KILL!! SATAN!"
Fuck that, tbh. I hate women, they're all self obsessed cunts. If it wasn't for their holiest of holies, I'd spend all day kicking them in the teeth as I wandered by them. Take that, femi-nazi cunt! Put your own toilet fucking seat down, I like it UP!

EDIT: This is, of course, a joke. Ish.