Fucking awesome!


Drick bärs nu för faan!
Apr 29, 2004
Watched Nevermores gig at Sweden Rock Festival a few days ago, and I just wanted to say that I just got myself a new favorite band. Nevermore when playing live is pure fucking energy.

That said, I'm really glad to post for the first time here. Short fact about myself:

Name - Anders Lorén
Guns - JPM100P3, RG7620 and some other crappy stuff..
Likes - Titties & beer
Dislikes - Computers and zealots

So, are there any drummers, bassplayers or singers out there?
Karmic said:


wanted to be there so badly, but couldnt get any tickets... how was it?

Ah, synd som fan.. Klart bästa året hittills, trots en ganska kass line-up.

They kicked fucking asses! Warrel tried to make the crowd go insane, but we swedes obviously do not know how to mosh. However, Jeff hit 99% of the notes perfectly, Warrel sang like a god and rumbled the stage. The bassplayer (don't know his name :oops: ) grinned all the time and Van beat the living shit out of his drumkit. Only thing to complain about was perhaps the lack of the other guitarist. You know, solos without rythmguitar can be cool, but not in songs like Final Product..

DreamNeonBlack: Thanks man!!
Karmic said:
för sent att dricka bärs vettu

närå ;)
Metaltown är ju snart. Opeth och Tool borde väl ändå kunna fungera som något slags plåster på såren?
Setlist @ Sweden Rock:

The Seven Tongues of God
This Sacrament
Inside Four Walls
The River Dragon Has Come
The Heart Collector
Engines of Hate
Dead Heart in a Dead World
Enemies of Reality
Never Purify
I, Voyager
Final Product
This Godless Endeavor

It is not in the right order, but those are the songs they played.
Haven't seen them live yet (don't like crowds...) but the last album was astounding.