Fucking Awful Story

^ Yeah I guess it sucks having none of your own :rolleyes:

All art deserves inspection, even if you don't agree with it's morals.

Pretty much.

I like a good bit of rap, so I find his stance really based in misinformation and ignorance.

Groups like Jurassic 5, A Tribe Called Quest, Blackalicious, Soul Position, Atmosphere, Jedi Mind Tricks, Deep Puddle Dynamics, Wu-Tang, etc are absolutely fantastic and I think most everyone should listen to them even if they dislike rap generally as they're good enough for them to possibly even just respect on an artistic level.
(Sorry to derail people) Man you know what I love - remember the film Boyz N the Hood, the music you would hear playing on the streets in that film, was amazing. Really funky, totally black... you could almost smell the streets with that music.
The greatest black movie I own...wait a minute the ONLY black movie I own:lol: An instant classic that has a decent soundtrack and the movie has replay value.
The greatest black movie I own...wait a minute the ONLY black movie I own:lol: An instant classic that has a decent soundtrack and the movie has replay value.

Does it ever. I remember when I first watched that film, and once events unfold I couldn't help but stare dropjawed at the screen. An amazing film.

Yeah, it sucks and they should be punished, but I think people treating people in horrid ways is much worse.

Why? Just because we have moral consciousness? I say if someone tortures an animal, then that person who committed the crime should also be tortured. Fuck em man - you don't fucking treat animals that way, people shouldn't get away with that stuff. Same goes with rape. Instant death sentence imo.
They do this to people everyday in other countries. Grow some balls dave.


Why must you constantly troll. It takes a 'man' with 'balls' to think that torturing animals is ok, because it happens to humans as well in other countries?
Why? Just because we have moral consciousness? I say if someone tortures an animal, then that person who committed the crime should also be tortured. Fuck em man - you don't fucking treat animals that way, people shouldn't get away with that stuff. Same goes with rape. Instant death sentence imo.

I agree...the punishment should fit the crime. But I don't agree that it should be an eye for an eye when the crime is against animals. I think the punishment should be a deterrant, but I see human life as more valuable than that of animals.
I think animals are just as important as humans. The punishment should be equal, after all, we are animals as well. Only difference is our intelligence and comprehension of morals.

A liberal in support of the death penalty? For shame, Hubster. For shame.

Yes I know... *sighs*

But man, when it comes to how I feel in defence of women's rights, animal rights, etc, fuck it. Kill the offender and wipe his sorry ass off the face of the earth. If people are stupid enough to commit the atrocity in the first place, fuck mercy. People should know from the get-go that we must respect everyone and everything around us.

**stamps foot**
I think animals are just as important as humans. The punishment should be equal, after all, we are animals as well. Only difference is our intelligence and comprehension of morals.

But man, when it comes to how I feel in defence of women's rights, animal rights, etc, fuck it. Kill the offender and wipe his sorry ass off the face of the earth. If people are stupid enough to commit the atrocity in the first place, fuck mercy. People should know from the get-go that we must respect everyone and everything around us.

**stamps foot**

I am with you on this, other than being equal for animals. I get so pissed when I hear of these crimes people do to other people. There is a verse in the bible that says something like that because the punishment for a crime is not dealt swiftly, the hearts of men are continually set on doing evil. I think it's true. In places where that stuff is not tolerated, it is far less prevalent. Start publicly hurting rapists and you know rape will decline.
Fucking OATH man, and well said. If the punishment for rape was extremely harsh, it would not occur as much as it does. And the fact that governments treat it so lightly is offensive as hell.
What a sickening way to treat animals. Pits can be such gentle, sweet dogs when not abused. It's a shame they have the rep they do and that people can be such jerks.