Fucking Tambourines are everywhere!


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Is it me, or does EVERY single big rock/pop song have a tambourine lurking in the chorus somewhere lately? Maybe its always been that way, but i've only just noticed it lol. From U2, to Nickelback through to Littleboots it seems to be lurking in there somewhere!
Is it me, or does EVERY single big rock/pop song have a tambourine lurking in the chorus somewhere lately? Maybe its always been that way, but i've only just noticed it lol. From U2, to Nickelback through to Littleboots it seems to be lurking in there somewhere!

Congratulations! You just found a secret key to the charts! :)

Well, I guess it just adds a lot of power/noise, which seems to be a good thing.
But I hope metal bands won't start doing that ;)
Killswitch Engage has a lot of extra percussion and namely tambourine in songs like When Darkness Falls, My Last Serenade, Daylight Dies and Reckoning has casaba or something in the chorus

Dont forget cowbell!
yeah people do it alot for doubling snare or hats in chorus's and then leave it out for the verses. Just seems to add a little more emphasis to the beat I suppose!!
I hate them in hard music:
stick to your guns have this shit on their new record....:puke:

but cowbells are great for hard stuff.
Listen to Pantera or NINE-everything went black, so great!!!!!