Fucking writer's block


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I can't write lyrics or music or anything at the moment. It's been like this for a while and it's pissing me off. Anyone have techniques for getting creative again when it seems you're hitting brick fucking walls wherever you turn?
1) you're too focused on the block. let your mind ramble and don't put pressure on yourself.

2) read my witty and entertaining posts.

3) and finally, if the two above suggestions don't work, go spend some time on Crimson Velvet's animated boob gif page. it may not help your creativity, but its certain to *ahem* get some sort of juices flowing.:)
Honestly, besides the four Noltem songs that exist, I have been face to face with a brick wall since September. Literally nothing comes out when I try to write for WTTT or whatever. I know you've probably heard/tried this 10,000 times, but you just have to not think about it. A lot of people tell me that they write songs by thinking of a cool riff in their head and then playing it out, but I like to sit by myself and just PLAY guitar... sometimes nothing will happen, but other times I'll just be fiddling around and all of a sudden I'll play something neat. Try writing when there is absolutely nothing else on your mind. If anyone else has some tips, I could sure as hell use them too. :p

Also- go into the writing process with no set genre in your mind. I had been trying to write black metal for months, and the day I decided to stop trying to write a certain type of music, I wrote "Hymn of the Wood". Give it a shot...
I know how you feel dude, there is a very dense frustration that comes out of this. If I came out with some good riffs everytime I sat down to write a song, I would have all sorts of tapes and crap going around. Some people say that you just have to wait, that no matter how hard you try, you will only have success when your "muse" allows you to. I don't know how to write a song, it just happens. Best of luck to you, and I mean it!
I never sit down and try to write music, I always wait until it comes to me then I jump around like mad trying to throw my recording shit together before the idea disappears. Then again it also helps that 90% of my shit is jam-based.

If you aren't feeling the flow, walk away. Either that or just record yourself playing whatever, and listen to it in a week or two and pick out something good that might be there, that you didn't realize at the time.
Good advice NAD. All of this talk makes me want to take another stab at writing the WTTT demo, but I know it'll probably be a failure once again. Who knows, maybe talking about it what we all need. I'll see what happens...
Erik said:
Dude... seriously. Sometimes I almost wish that I would get a girlfriend and then promptly lose her in some painful, heart-searing way, 'cause if nothing else that's sure to evoke some fucking emotions other than apathy. Gotta sacrifice for the arts...
man that is so true, when I'm all happy and shit my writing is just all puppies and shit, but when I'm fucked up emotionally, rawwwrrr! here comes the power material :)
Erik said:
Dude... seriously. Sometimes I almost wish that I would get a girlfriend and then promptly lose her in some painful, heart-searing way, 'cause if nothing else that's sure to evoke some fucking emotions other than apathy. Gotta sacrifice for the arts...

you don't need to lose her ... just being around her should do the trick :loco:
Maybe it's just been many years since my last lousy relationship, but if a chick gives me drama I tend to not care about her, so no artistic junk is brought out in the process. Like the last one I remember, she was a pain in the ass so I just spent more time getting drunk with my friends than taking her dumbass places. No woman has ever been my muse. Maybe I just haven't found the right one.

Frustration is good though, some of my favorite Are Slacquer bullshitz are of me beating the shit out of my bass, for whatever reason. Not getting laid or UM fucking up most likely. :loco:
if you want inspiration, you need to come to Texas and experience our genuine Nordic-like weather, and none of that poser shit like in Sweden.
I try to forget the real bitchy ones. :loco: But I haven't had a bad relationship in a long time, I'm currently a heartless bastard who is able disconnect my feelings for some broad if she starts fucking around with me. *knock on wood*

Anywho, what I'm saying that a woman has nothing to do with artistic inspiration, at least with me. My last serious girlfriend, she was a musician and singer, she bought me half the music equipment I have today, we always went to concerts together, bought and burned CDs for each other, blah blah blah but I don't think anything I wrote during my time with her was due to a direct stimulation. Also for whatever reason we never jammed or wrote anything together, that was stupid. D'oh well!
I found this very LARGE rock last night at the end of a trail last night with my friend. It overlooks the Connecticut River (it's about 20 feet above the water) and is a perfect view of the sunset- next time I go, I'm taking some pictures and all of you are going to say "OMG"
Erik said:
I can't write lyrics or music or anything at the moment. It's been like this for a while and it's pissing me off. Anyone have techniques for getting creative again when it seems you're hitting brick fucking walls wherever you turn?

I have this book called Guitar Zen which also give you tips on songwriting and overcoming writer's block. it's worht a look. When I get writer's block it's usually cause im thinking to much about what I'm trying to write.
Doomcifer said:
or...hurry up and get really depressed!

Oh yeah, read books, watch movies, go to museums, whatever. I'm a big supporter of non-musical influences. Art = love.