Full length song, advices needed!


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
Hi everyone!
Well, since nobody seems to have noticed this song when I posted it in my older thread, I guess I'll have to make a new one if I want some of your advices :p

Here's the stuff!

I tried to get closer to Parkway Drive's sound in Horizons or Killing With A Smile. What do you think I could improve?
Glisseq and Rcomp on the guitars, Blockfish and Glisseq on the bass, Glisseq and Rverb on the drums, Glisseq on the Sub, L2 (CD high res preset), Rcomp and Glisseq on the master.
sounds good to me.
i think you should stay away from the L2 and go for the gclip+gclip+elephant (slate´s trick) sounds so much better to me

totally offtopic: men the blue letters of your signature hurt my eyes...seriously...
i recommend you to read this thread :


the "trick" is basically putting 2 gclips (clippers) on oversample mode doing like 2.5 to 3.0 or 3.5(depends on the song) each one and then putting the limiter (The voxengo elephant) .
it sounds so much better ...you can get good rms levels without making your song sound "squashed" by a limiter.

its not very well explained here XDDD (english is not my native lenguage)
but i highly recommend you to read the "getting your loudness" thread.