check my new song! (A#drop, pod xt, deathcore)

Hey folks! I ve just finished my new track, called "egg"!:)

egg.mp3 (4:02)

guitars are double tracked, used bbottom model on my xt.
bass is hardcore bass, struggling with velocity...
drums are AD, dfhs is now offline :)

I added curve eq on the guitars, and a little rcomp,
on the master bus there is an L2, thats all for now...

please share your opinion about the mix and song! thanks!
EGG! I liked it. The BigBottom model has lots of character. You have used only a L2 on the master? No master compressor?
Ohhh i see..... well i have that same preset from splatt but i cant seem to load it........... maybe a problem with the version of curve eq i have ? mine is the latest update . how do you do load a preset in curve eq( what a noob:erk: )
This song's on heavy rotation right now :D

I really dig it ... actually I can't say anything about the bass as I'm only listening on my laptop-speakers but I'll check that later.

BTW: checked your PM's? dare you insult this song by calling it deathcore? I personally hate any "core" poisoning my beloved metal, but this song doesn't have any traces of it that I can tell, and more importantly is absolutely incredible! I adore the riffs and the lead lines, the harmonies, the little harmonic traces, and the grooves - great job dude!