fun songs to learn


fuck the newfits!
Nov 1, 2005
hey, latley ive been running dry on songs to learn and play, i want to learn some songs that are fun and easy to play, like six pounder by children of bodom or pursuit of vikings by amon amarth, i all ready know those songs but those are good examples by what i mean when i say fun and easy to learn and play, any suggestions into what i should look up? i like mainly melodic death metal, but also brutal at the same time. thanx guys
depends of how good you play actually...
Try some of early Pantera; or Lamb Of God
lycanthropyhowl said:
hey, latley ive been running dry on songs to learn and play, i want to learn some songs that are fun and easy to play, like six pounder by children of bodom or pursuit of vikings by amon amarth, i all ready know those songs but those are good examples by what i mean when i say fun and easy to learn and play, any suggestions into what i should look up? i like mainly melodic death metal, but also brutal at the same time. thanx guys

Try some oldschool thrash like the "real" Metallica, Testament, Megadeth, older Pantera, Slayer etc. That stuff is definitely "brutal" and death metal wouldn't be around if not for thrash music most likely. That stuff is fun to play as well.

Bryant said:
Try some oldschool thrash like the "real" Metallica, Testament, Megadeth, older Pantera, Slayer etc. That stuff is definitely "brutal" and death metal wouldn't be around if not for thrash music most likely. That stuff is fun to play as well.


yeah, i know alot of the "kill em all" material from metallica, and i know most misfits material, im going to try and learn danzig I - IV sometime soon, i love john christ.:notworthy