Fun with Metal!

Shazza used to manage and maybe still does manage Zakk. She's also had other musos in her time but I don't think she does much now. I think Jack might though, I know he produces shit.
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I suppose at 70 years old most people are looking at retiring. The other thing is Shazza does day time TV I think so she might not have the time for music management. I know she (and supposedly Ozzy) do all the organisation for Ozzfest
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I don't know what day time TV is like over there but the show she is on wasn't popular enough here to last. I think it lasted about 18 months and then disappeared completely.
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It was on a few weeks ago, there was something Shaz did that actually made news headlines down here. I can't remember what it was but we were supposed be outraged by it.
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Nah it was that talk/panel show thing she does. Apparently one of the topics got out of hand and Shaz spoke her mind in the way she does and it made headlines because of what she said. I can't remember if it was sexist or something but it happened before that Gillette ad offended every body and quickly none of the three people that actually gave a shit still gave a shit because Gillette were so evil. Typical news media outrage.
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Pissed off people because of an ad campaign where they tried to ride the #metoo bullshit too closely. Metrosexuals got pissed off because they thought Gillette was suggesting all men were wife beating child haters and all the women got pissed off because they own #metoo. Social media got all hot in the panties and people protested by throwing their shavers/razors in the bin and posting to social media. It was a typical social media beat up, people claimed Gillette would pay for ever an a day, people claimed they would never use Gillette again and meanwhile in the real world people got on with life.
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I'm still too scared to disagree with #metoo. My wife is out spoken about it, she hates the entire thing, hates the way the media beat it up and hates the way too many people are assumed guilty before proven guilty. But I'm still to scared to go against a bunch of hormonal woman hell bent on castrating blokes then asking them if the are guilty. I'm scared they will find me, follow me and beat me into submission with a tampon until I agree to support their cause.
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Yeah we've had a number of high profile actors in this country who had one accusation made against them, no proof just an accusation and the media have gone after them and labelled them as sexual fiends. No trial, no court, just one woman's word and the media goes hell for leather. It's atrocious, these guys have never had as much as a complaint put against them and the media hangs them over one unproven record. Innocent until proven guilty, except in the case of #metoo.

Oops if the sister hood see that I'm dead next time I leave the house :)
Yeah Morgan Freeman got crucified for basically nothing at all And it's all on camera and he still lost an acting job. Shit's out of control.

Better get an ear nose chain and disguise yourself!
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