Fun with Metal!

Do they accept responsibility for anything? :tickled:

No but public opinion counts. Our pollies here keep talking about passing 'a pub test', pub test being a test talked about in a pub full of drinkers and whether they'd agree or disagree too it. I only have to pass the pub test and suddenly Joe Public thinks the pollies caused my meltdown...well that's the theory. :)
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We all have pics from that era that we'd be embarrassed by, ours just aren't there for the world to see :)
I always liked Danny's TMNT guitar.
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Eh. I might have one. But that's it! ;)

Yeah it's a cool guitar. BEFORE the turtles sold out! :cool:. I was just looking at some Jackson guitars on amazon. It must have crept into my subconscious lol
I no doubt have heaps, but I'm only admitting it because I know there is no way they will be seen again :)

Turtles sold out because they let themselves appear on Danny's guitar? :) You going to buy a Flying V?
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