Fun with Metal!

Haha those damn turtles sold out to cartoons..went mainstream :)

I would love one. But the only ones I've seen so far have a really crazy V shape. I want a more traditional like the ones in that pic.
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I really didn't follow the Turtles after the original series. I think I saw the first movie not long after it came out but I haven't seen anything since.

Yeah they were nice guitars. Not sure if the shape has something to do with the copyright issue a few years ago. I can't remember the full details, was something about someone suing Jackson because they claim to have the first flying v design.
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I got into some of the back comic books and some of the current ones of the times when the series was out. They are completely different. None of the cowabunga ice cream pizza shit. Kinda violent and bloody

I'm not sure either. But I'd love to find one that looked like those old ones.
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I think I've seen a new series on one of the kids channels here and the Turtles don't even look like they used to. Not that I would sit down and watch them but as soon as I saw the way they were drawn I was put off completely because they weren't right.

The court case was actually Gibson Vs Dean and it was over the original rounded points shape like Randy Rhodes played. In 2016 Gibson lost the case in the EU but they were still pursuing Dean in the US. Not sure what happened in the US courts though. However those Jacksons are cheap rip offs so Gibson didn't want to fight for them :)
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Yeah animation has gotten really stupid looking. It is a turn off as you said.

I think I like the pointed ones better. To an extent. Some of them really go overboard with it.
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Some 3d art and graphics look brilliant, but the move to what I guess they are calling 3d cartoons is not something I've been a fan of.

Yeah I'd have a rounded one for Randy nostalgia but the pointed ones do look better. I'd also prefer the even ones not the one with one point longer than the other. Those ones Danny and Dave have look perfect. If I could play one it would also make more sense owning one.
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I was listening to Fistful Of Metal and Spreading the Disease yesterday and despite hearing the age in them there is still some good stuff on those albums. But I definitely prefer Joey singing.
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I don't really like very much of Fistful Of Metal. I think a lot it sounds like they were maybe a Judas Priest cover band before that and didn't really know themselves yet. On the flip I like most of Spreading the Disease a lot...minus a few songs that sound like they were left over from Fist.
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I think Joey's live versions of Metal Thrashing Mad are quite good and Death From Above is good, but as a whole the album really is only a nostalgia album for the rest of the bands catalogue. Whereas I can live without SSC/Stand And Fall, The Enemy and Gung Ho off Spreading.

Listening to Among atm, might do an Anthrax day :)
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Listening to SOE now. If only the kids school teachers understood how good thrash was for the class environment. It's not even lunch time and 1 is finished, the other is nearly finished.
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The teacher of my eldest is from Germany. I should be playing Kreator, Sodom, Tankard etc then see if anything of those bands seeps into my her writing to make the teacher feel like she's back home :)
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I wouldn't have thought she'd need to be told, I thought she'd be teaching the kids that already :)

The bloody spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in the work we are getting for the kids is terrible. My youngest just got told she needs to write "two different yum sentence". I don't even know what the fuck that means and I'm sure I passed grade school.
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For sure they do. I've spoken to the school about spelling mistakes in the newsletter before and it got to a stage where I think they did it deliberately just to annoy me. There was even spelling mistakes in the kids yearly reports. But the fact that the kids are being graded on the their work, how it's written and how accurate it is I think it's not much to ask for the teachers to proof read the shit they send the kids.
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