Fun with Metal!

You're welcome ;)

I'm not convinced they are a good thing :p
Back when Amazon used to love avoiding Australian tax...oops I mean, didn't have a local outlet here to make it look like they pay tax here, we used to get the occasional good deals from Amazon US but not any more. Amazon Au is shit and their prices are shit. There is no doubt some great deals on computers and TV at local retailers but unless you're really in the market for one it's not a big saving. Also given I buy computers and entertainment stuff from wholesalers as a part of my business, retail sales on that stuff doesn't always get me a good deal. We got some gift cards for the nintendo shop 15% off but that's about all that we've found to spend money on this year.
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I'm not convinced they are a good thing :p
Back when Amazon used to love avoiding Australian tax...oops I mean, didn't have a local outlet here to make it look like they pay tax here, we used to get the occasional good deals from Amazon US but not any more. Amazon Au is shit and their prices are shit. There is no doubt some great deals on computers and TV at local retailers but unless you're really in the market for one it's not a big saving. Also given I buy computers and entertainment stuff from wholesalers as a part of my business, retail sales on that stuff doesn't always get me a good deal. We got some gift cards for the nintendo shop 15% off but that's about all that we've found to spend money on this year.
I'm not finding anything great either. I was hoping this processor (guitar) would be on sale but it isn't. And I'm not in the market for a new Tv.
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I'm not finding anything great either. I was hoping this processor (guitar) would be on sale but it isn't. And I'm not in the market for a new Tv.

Yeah I was hoping someone would throw out some drill batteries cheap, but that didn't happen. I think my wife picked up some Lego for our youngest, but otherwise I feel really let down by your Black Friday sales :p
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HA! Seriously. I was hoping you were going to post that here! Because it's seriously laughable. We invented thrash..we just don't play it. I hate this guy more and more. It's just sad.

Sad indeed,the guy is just a straight up fool!

I give the guy credit for having the balls to say that in public but that's about it. He's made some completely fucking stupid comments over the years but I honestly think this one takes the cake.

I think he's at the point now where even he knows his band is a joke and despite being mentioned by other bands he's not the influence his words claim. I also think he's realised that saying stupid shit is the only way he can make sure his band gets publicity. If my thoughts are wrong and he's not doing it deliberately then he really is a sad little man.
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It's like Ted Nugent. He speaks and these sites just lap up every thing he says. It doesn't matter what Lips says these sites know they stick a goofy picture of him on their site with his latest dumbarse saying and idiots are attracted to it.

I've tried to listen to Anvil a few times and I watched their doco. It's kind of funny that the doco made them more famous than the music, but the music failure isn't because it's complete shit. There is hundreds of bands out there who make music that is on a par with Anvil and they've sold shitloads of records. Anvil failed because Lips and the other dickhead thought stardom should come to them, not that they had to seek it.
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Well in their defense Every picture of Lips is a goofy picture.

Yeah I was taken in by that doc. I only knew Anvil as a name from my early childhood. The doc made me think they were kinda cool. Then I listened to a bunch of their stuff and read a bunch of their interviews and well, fucking clown shoes. No substance.
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Yeah that's true. If Disney hadn't trademarked goofy I'm pretty sure Lips would have.

I think they could have been big if they'd got the break, not that big would mean they had good music, but they spent too long fucking around in the early days. The might have played some good gigs but they lived the life of a half arsed Spinal Tap and Spinal Tap hadn't been invented!
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