Funniest female/male on this board

Sullen Jester

Corporate Executive
Sep 12, 2001
Beneath The World
Seeing as there are too many people to add into a poll, and if I add the "funniest" in a poll people will be offended, I will simply allow you to put down the name, and we can tally them up later.

I would have to choose Hearse.
It's not safe to be around this man, his comments may burst your sides and hurt your face from the inevitable smile you'll be making. Your throat will be raw from laughing, your face will be moist from tears forming at your eyes... and there will be knots all over your head from where your angry dad has hit you after repeatedly telling you "You're not talking to that Finnish lad Hearse, are you? Because of him you ruined those last thirty-seven pairs of underwear! Stop reading those messages! $#^&!" :lol:

Kushantaiidan/Klaha come in close behind.. Hammering Moss has provided great amusement, :)
yeh Hearse is a funny person.

Wolff provides the most jokes to this board though. And he makes it obvious by putting every single one in a new thread. It's lucky they're funny otherwise i'd get annoyed. grr
Oh don't be so modest, Hearse! :p THE WANKER?! "I'm not that funny." :rolleyes: Come on! You're a goofball 100% :D I can think of a few others, but when I pondered the question...that 'pictures' thread came to mind and were quite the silly boy there now weren't you? :lol:

"In my own ashes I am standing without a soul."
Soul4Raziel and Wolff crack me up. Soul4Raziel because of that damn bannana and his comments, and Wolff because he's a jackass (in a good way).

Now if you don't mine, I'll get my unfunny self to bed. :bah:
Lina - "I forgot Belial! How could I forget Belial?! I especially loved the ass smiley recently."

Ass smiley? I must have missed it.
Tenebrose: I the only one here who is but mildly amused and doesn't sit by the computer laughing my head off at the boards? :err: You're just too cool for that type of behavior! :p j/k :D You're one of those people that make up the "tough crowd." ;)

What I mean is, when I come here I want to laugh. I want to feel good because most things here, at work, are shitty. This board is my retreat. I come here wanting it where as maybe you need to be genuinely amused...?
I thought that signature pic of yours deserved a laugh when I first saw it. What do you mean by "involuntarily crack up"? You make it sound like you're trying to hide a fart at a funeral. What's wrong with it? Crack up! Do it! It feels good! :p

"I die....
While our mystic brothers still seek."